Chapter 6: The Truth.

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Miku's P.O.V

"Until you tell me the truth. And I don't think I will believe you." Those words made me froze.

"If you won't believe me, why I have to tell you the truth?" I said looking at the ground. "Maybe I will change my mind." He replied.

I looked up to see his cool eyes. He noticed I was crying and his look changed. "I will tell you the truth, but not now. When I will be ready, I will tell you."

"This means... The truth is about you after all... That's why you're crying." His eyes began returning to normal.

"I see. I understand now. That's why you don't want to tell me. Well, I will wait until you tell me." He smiled which made me blush.

"And don't worry, I will believe you. I promise." I widened my eyes when he said this.


I left the library, and saw someone standing in front of me.

"R-Rin..." I said. She looked at me for the last time and then she left.

"Rin... I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologising to someone?" I heard this familiar voice.

"Senpai?" I said. "Yes! It's me, senpai!! But do you remember my name??" She asked me. "Gumi-senpai." I replied. "Correct!! And my friend is??" She pointed at the girl next to her. "Ia-senpai." "Correct!! And--" "Luka-senpai." I cutted her off.

"Let me complete my sentence!" She said. "I'm sorry. So, how's life?" I changed the subject. "Good. What about you?" Luka smirked. "I-- what are you trying to know?" I glared.

"Did you tell him the truth?" Luka smirked. "The truth?" Ia asked. "What do you mean by 'the truth'?" Gumi asked. "Luka-senpai..." I said.

"I will explain later." Luka said to the both of them. "So?" She looked at me. "I didn't.." I replied. She glared at me. "Yet." I completed.

"I will wait until then. If you did it, call me." She smiled. "Okay." I smiled back. Then, they left.

"So, you know the truth now, huh?" Someone said behind me. "Yes." "Why don't you just tell him everything?" "Because I'm not ready."

"If you didn't tell him tomorrow, you will lose two friends of yours." "So, there's a time limit." "Yes."

"I'll try my best." "Good." Then, I heard a footsteps.


Rin's P.O.V

So, Miku finally decided. Good thing she knows the truth. Len said he will believe her.

That means he forgave her. I think I should apologise. Of course if she--

"Rin, what are you doing here?" Len said. "Y-you!! You cutted my thoughts..." I looked at the ground. "Let's go home." He smiled.

"Len...." I mumbled. "Let's go!" I said.

Miku's P.O.V

"I'm home." I said. "Welcome home!" Was the reply from Mikuo and PIKO?!

"Pi-Piko?!" I said. "Hi, Miku. Long time no see." He said. "Y-yeah.." I looked at Mikuo who was smiling like a stupid guy.

"So, how's Rin?" Piko asked. "I-I mean life!! Yes! Life!! Hahaha!!" He laughed nervously. "So you still like Rin? Admit it." I teased. "N-NO!! I-I--" He said.

"Hahahaha!" Then I suddenly remembered Len. "I have my problems, too." My smile began disappearing. "Miku?" Mikuo said. "I'm fine. I just want to sleep." I lied. "What about dinner?" Mikuo asked. "I'm not hungry."

Then I went to sleep.

Next day in school, I was searching for Len. I can't find him anywhere.

"Miku!!" I heard Luka's voice, so I turned around.

"In front of the nurses office." She whispered. I smiled and thanked her.

I found Len sitting in a chair in front of the nurses office.

"Len-kun?" I said. "Oh, Miku. What are you doing here?" He said. "Seems like you're not happy." I said. "Of course I won't." He said. "Why?" "Nothing. Are you here to tell me the truth?" He said.

"Y-yes." I began blushing madly. "What is it? You can tell me anything you want." He said.

"But first, why are you stalking me everywhere?" He asked.

I remembered when I knew the truth.


'Thanks. I have this weird feeling of nervousness and shyness, I can't talk easily and my heart beats are faster than usual. What does that mean?'
  ~Leek lover~

'I didn't know you were that stupid, Miku.'

'Eh? What do you mean?'
  ~Leek lover~

'Miku, this feeling is....'


"It's because... I love you, Len-kun!! That's the truth!!"


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