The Ultimate LBX

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Niara Levanov:

"Darn it! Where's the back up when you actually need it?" I cursed to myself, still battling the enemy LBXs.

"Shut up, Levanov. Keep your head in the battle." Kirito growled.

So far, the enemy broke through the third barrier. That's actually pretty far considering there are less than 10 barriers set up in total. Battling the normal LBXs were challenge enough, but there was also Vector.

"Shoot. Gotta regain my ground...!" Kirito ran off to the next barrier.

"O-oi!" I called back. "Don't just leave me here!" I ran after him, still battling the LBXs.


Kaidou Jin:

We ran up the stairs to reach the back door. When we got in, we saw some of the barriers have already been broken. Meaning, Vector's army had already gone through. We split into 3 groups.

Ban, Ami, Asuka. Hiro, Jessica, Kazu. Me, Yuuya, Ran. We all took different routes to get to the lab.


Niara Levanov:

Zeema Drezion and Fenrir Flare had no trouble whatsoever to battle the LBXs. It was the Vector that we have to worry about.

Kirito aimed for Vector while I destroy the LBXs aiming for him. Vector barely has a scratch even after the series of attacks.

"Still think we shouldn't wait for back up?" I muttered.

"Shut up! It's too late for that now. The option's practically gone out the window..." Kirito replied, half growling, half muttering.

I kept my eyes on the battle and waited for the next opportunity.

"Kirito! We're joining in." We looked back and found Jin, Yuuya and Ran behind us. Thank goodness for that.

Jin threw a D-Egg and the energy feild surrounded us along with Vector in it.

"Normally, I'd tell you to get out of my way." Kirito muttered. "But this time, I'm grateful for the help."

"In short, he means 'thanks'." I teased. He glared at me for a second and then focused back on the feild.


"Liu Bei!"

"Minerva Kai!"

Even with all five of us attacking at once, Vector still hasn't taken much damage. At the very least, it lost its balance every now and then.

"It's really strong!" Yuuya commented. You don't say.

At one turn, Triton manage to knock off Vector's blaster and then... "HISSATSU FUNCTION!"

"Attack Function, Ocean Blast."

"Attack Function, Byakko Shohazan."

"Attack Function, X-Blade."

"Attack Function, Homura-Kuzushi Kiwami."

"Attack Function, Blizzard Slash."

With the combo we just did, Vector was destroyed. Oh yeah!

"Alright!" Ran and I cheered as we highfived each other.

"Let's hurry to the lab." Jin suggested.


We quickly head for the lab and saw the place was a total mess. As it turns out, Ban, Ami and Asuka had managed to take care of all the LBXs headed this way. Asuka had mentioned the new LBX's name... Olegion. It has features of every single LBX created by Prof. Yamano himself. Awesome!

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