Omega Dain

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Kaidou Jin:

The rest of us stayed behind and watched the adults work. Then, Mizel tried to hack the data. Otacross put firewalls around it but soon got tired of fighting back.

He wanted Ami and Ran to cheer for him so 'he could get his energy back', but in my opinion, that was dirty thinking. Since Ami and Ran refused, he used some kind of hologram and Ami, Ran and even Eva appeared as, how should I say... as moe. He said with this he could make the three girls say whatever he wants and in this case, I might be scarred for life.

This old man, he played one, he became perverted for my one... Wait what?

I blinked. What had I just think of? Guess it slipped my mind.

The holographic Ami, Ran and Eva winked at him and he became all sparkly-eyed.

Ami and Ran glared at him sith crimson cheeks. "OTACROSS!"

He then started to 'feel better' and began fighting back again. This time even faster. Ami and Ran were still embarressed. Knowing them, Ami is strong enough to knock Kazu out when she's pissed off like this and Ran is a black belt in karate... If we weren't in the middle of war, I'm sure Otacross would have been dead by now.

Then, Vector appeared again and it used Set 50's data to destroy the firewalls. The firewall was breeched and me, Ban and Hiro sent our LBXs to stop Mizel from creating an even bigger Set 50. But we were blocked by three other LBXs. Dark Pandora, Zenon and Ifreet.

We have to defeat them before we get to Vector. But, just as I figured, their power has increased greatly. We led them all to one spot and finished them with our hissatsus. We then head for Vector again, but this time, Sigma Orbis stopped us. It took a while but we defeated it too amd managed to stop Vector.


Niara Levanov:

It was like a miniature war outside of Omega Dain. Most of us hid by the stairs while Kirito somehow manage to get on top of the roof of the guards' post. Really, how come he gets to act cool in a time like this?

I saw an LBX trying to do a sneak attack on him and destroyed it. "Stop showing off." I said in annoyance. He smirked back in return. Well, he's having fun...

Soon, we managed to destroy all of the enemy LBXs. Cobra tried hancking the systems to get in, but it was taking forever...

"Hey gramps, why don't you just take out the red wires to open the door?" I suggested.

He looked annoyed. "You suggested the same thing Eva did while we were on Future Hope..."

"Oh really? Coincidence. Great minds really do think alike." I received a whack on the head for saying that. Dagnabbit Kirito.

So, the liutenant of Fire Sweets, Jack Gelato contacted Seeker base and asked for help in breaking through Omega Dain's extremely solid firewall called, Destiny Gate. So they sent 3 LBXs, namely the Ikaroses and Minerva Kai, to break through. Apparently, while in data form, they had to battle some kind of cyber-Killer Droid and then defeat it. Once they did, Otacross did his job and opened the gate locks for us.

"It opened!" Cobra exclaimed.

"You don't say." I muttered sarcastically.

We walked through the building as a group and kept looking through the halls, exploring for Mizel's secrets. At one turn, Kirito stopped and pulled me with him. Kazu saw us and then look back. "Kirito? Niara?"

Jack Gelato faced us too. "What are you two doing?"

Kirito looked like he was searching for somethigng on the wall while I just stared at it with an evil grin.

"This place, huh?" I asked.

"It should be somewhere around here..." Kirito mutered. Then, he pressed and pushed up a small part of the wall, which showed a panel, then typed in the password. A door opened beside it.

"What's this?" The liutenant asked.

"A secret passage way that only a few people, including Alan Worthen, knows about. If there's something here, it'll be in there." Kirito stated with a smug grin.

"Why does a simple test player like you know about this?" He asked.

"I'm a bit of the curious type." Kirito stated proudly.

The liutenant faced me. "And you?"

I smiled and shrugged. "Rules were meant to be broken."

The liutenant send 3 of his men to continue exploring the main building while we explore the secret passage.

"Then let's go." Kirito led the way while the rest of us followed from behind.

The passage way was long a narrow, but also wide enough for all of us not to feel cramped. Then there was a window showing an LBX production line. All of which were producing Vectors.

"Vector!" Kazu exclaimed.

"So this is where he was making them!" Cobra said.

Jack Gelato sent a vid-footage of the room to Director Kaios and the guys at Seeker base.

"Come on. There's still more." Kirito urged.

There were tunnels, pipes, more tunels, fuse boxes, even more tunnels, staircases, tunnels... There were a whole lot of tunnels. Then we stopped at a door.

"This is the innermost section." Kirito stated. He opened it to reveal heavy metal doors closed on the othersode of the room. Only one was opened and a light was coming out from it. We went to check it out.

Jack Gelato was first to react. "This is...!"

Cobra called Seeker base to show them what we found. A whole room filled with Mizels! Literally!

"It's Mizel, no mistake." Kazu stated.

"Why is Mizel there?" I heard Asuka's voice from Cobra's tablet. "And there's so many of him...!"

"These are androids." Kirito stated, after checking on one of them.

"So they're robots." Cobra spat out.

"Hey! Not all androids are considered as robots!" I said, glaring at him.

"If your talking about the kid back at Tiny Orbit, then you should know she's just the same." Cobra muttered. "Adroids are robots that act like their human, when they're actually not."

"Damn you." I cursed. "You're a pain in the-"

"Levanov." Kirito called.

"What? I was gonna say 'neck'!" I defended.

"Sure you were." He muttered.

"While under the guise of an LBX management organization, Omega Dain was researching and developing military weapons." Jack Gelato stated. "But to think that one of those would be Mizel..."

Jessica looked back at us. "So Mizel's actually an..."

"Android?!" Otacross finished.

Suddenly, a holographoc form of Mizel appeared in the Seeker base. "You finally figured it out."

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