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There's nothin' you can't do
Now you're in New York

July 17, 2014

"Tom, Scout and I are leaving," Olivia called from the parlor of their New York City condo. Their condo was located on the top floor of The Plaza, in downtown New York. She had her two year old daughter on her right hip and her large purse on her opposite shoulder. They were in New York for the offseason so Olivia could work on her newest clothing line.

A shirtless Tom came into view from the kitchen. He walked down the small stairway that led to Olivia and smiled at her. She looked stunning with the sunlight shining down on her from the skylight window in the ceiling. Her dark brown hair sat just above her shoulders in a straightened bob and large dark framed sunglasses covered her eyes. She wore a black leather jacket with a white t shirt underneath it and light jeans with neon pink heels. "Goodbye my beautiful baby," Tom said kissing his daughters forehead and cradling her tiny face in his large hands. "And goodbye my other beautiful babe," Tom said kissing Olivia on the lips. Scout was a spitting image of Olivia, except for Tom's blue almond shaped eyes. Olivia had Scout's long, naturally curly hair pulled into a top bun on top of her head and she wore a yellow sundress that complimented her tan from their recent vacation to the Dominican Republic.

Since Scout was born, Olivia had become one of the most famous children's clothing designers. She took Scout to every meeting she had because she used her as a model and Scout like helping her pick out the clothes. "Tell daddy buh-bye bugs," Olivia said adjusting her daughter on her hip.

"Bye daddy," Scout said leaning forward in Olivia's clutch to give Tom a kiss. She cradled his face in her much smaller hands and kissed his cheek, just as Tom did to her seconds earlier. Then Olivia leaned in, Tom kissed her on the lips again before she left the apartment.

Since Scout was born, it seemed like life really started for Tom and Olivia. Scout was their pride and joy and their worlds revolved around her. They flaunted Scout wherever they went and adored her every move. In their eyes she could do no wrong. Besides being parents, their careers flourished and they each became a household name. Tom with football. Olivia with fashion.

Olivia found her way through the paparazzi flashing lights and into the waiting car. "They are crazy, Scout," she said once the car began moving and her daughter was buckled.

"Crazy, mommy," Scout agreed in her raspy voice that Olivia loved so much. They arrived to the studio earlier than expected. They never knew what to expect with New York traffic.

"Scout, you go play for a little bit. Mommy will get you when he is ready for you," Olivia said as she put her daughter in the toy room they had set up for her. After looking at a few designs with her crew they were ready for Scout to try on the clothes they made ahead of time.

Olivia and Tom got lucky with Scout. She was such a good and happy baby. She was sassy but funny, Tom said she was just like Olivia. She had attitude but had a big heart. After posing after each outfit for the day, Scout was pretty worn out by the time they left the studio. Today was their final meeting before they showed the clothes at the upcoming fashion show.

Olivia ushered Scout to the car through the crowd again. "Mrs. Brady, care to comment on the baby rumors?" Olivia just ignored them like always. She buckled Scout in to the black Escalade before letting herself buckle.

"Mommy?" Scout asked. She was advanced for her age and could talk better than most people her age.

"Yes, baby?" Olivia asked sweetly as the car inserted itself into traffic. Olivia always got a car when they were in New York. Coming from a small town with not a single stop and go light, the NYC traffic scared her.

"Can we get a baby?" Scout asked innocently. Olivia's eyebrows instantly rose at her daughter's question. Her and Tom never discussed having another baby, they were perfectly content with just Scout.

"Oh, honey. I think our family is perfect just the way it is now," Olivia answered carefully not to hurt her daughter's feelings.

"But I want a brother," Scout whined. Olivia knew she was getting tired and that's why she was whining. She did her best to entertain her daughter's questions.

"We will have to talk to daddy about that," Olivia said coolly. She figured shoving the questions off to Tom was her best option. The truth was, Olivia didn't know if she wanted anymore babies. Her and Tom were so busy all the time. Scout was the perfect age to take places and she didn't want to interrupt their work lives because of another baby.

"Why?" Scout asked. She clearly wasn't ready to drop the subject. She was stubborn like Tom.

"Because, baby. Why don't you go to sleep so you can ask daddy when we get home?" Olivia suggested. By the time they got home, it would be dark and Scout would go to bed. She gave Scout her pink fuzzy blanket that Julian and Claire bought for her when she was born. Scout had such a special bond with Julian. Whenever their friends got together, Scout spent the whole night on Julian's lap. The fact that Uncle Jules gave her the blanket made it even more special. The escalade pulled up to the front of the hotel with Olivia wide awake and her daughter fast asleep. Olivia carefully unbuckled her daughter, to be sure she didn't wake her from her sleep. She put her on her chest and held her daughter close to her body to protect her from the world.

Olivia took the elevator up to their off season home on the top floor. She was struggling to open the door with Scout in her arms, so she began kicking it to knock. Tom sprang from his spot in the living room near the door to let Olivia in. He opened the door with a wide smile on his face. Olivia quickly signaled to him to keep quiet, by saying "shhhh." Tom nodded his head in understanding. Olivia took Scout up the small staircase in front of the door, down the hallway to her room, and laid her in her toddler bed. Olivia took great pride in Scout's room. It was blush pink, Scout's favorite color, and was decorated with pink and white stripes on two of the walls.

After laying Scout down and shutting the door, Olivia tiredly went up to her and Tom's room to change out of her jeans and leather jacket into pink sweatpants and a black Patriots sweatshirt. She went back down to Tom in the living room, who was watching SportsCenter. Olivia always admired how he was so dedicated to football and staying up to date on everything. "Your daughter," Olivia said exasperatedly shaking her head as she plopped on top of Tom.

"Oh boy. What did she do now?" Tom asked. He turned the volume on the TV down to give Olivia his full attention.

"Well, she heard the paparazzi ask me about the baby rumors, so then she got it in her head that she needed a brother and she heckled me about it almost the whole way home," Olivia explained.

"Maybe we should have another baby," Tom said. Olivia was surprised that he agreed with Scout.

"Is that what you want?" Olivia asked raising an eyebrow at her husband's surprising statement.

"Isn't that what you want?" Tom asked just as surprised at Olivia's reaction.

"Well, I don't know. I kind of thought we were done. I mean we are both at such a great place in our careers, a baby would totally throw that off," Olivia stammered.

"Oh come on Liv, we are in our prime and we will regret not giving Scout a sibling," Tom said convincingly. He was so charming, that Olivia had a hard time saying no to him. "You and I both grew up in large families, we can't deprive Scout of that," Tom tried. He had Olivia thinking now. He was right she loved growing up with her brother and sister.

"Ugh. Fine," Olivia said finally giving in. A blinding smile spread across Tom's face, making Olivia even happier to see Tom so happy. She had no idea that he wanted another baby.

"Let's get started then," Tom said throwing himself on top of Olivia.

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