» unconditionally «

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And after all
You're my wonderwall

October 16, 2014

The smart toddler strolled out of her room with a perky smile on her face. She dressed herself. It was no surprise she had on her Brady jersey, she knew what day it was. She knew where she was going.

"Mommy, it's game day," Scout said standing at Olivia's feet as she made breakfast.

"I know baby," Olivia said ruffling the dark curls on top of Scout's head.

"After the game, can we go home with daddy?" Scout asked. She looked up to her mother with wide eyes. Olivia breathed deeply, trying to figure out what to say without breaking her daughter's fragile heart.

"We'll see," Olivia fake smiled at the three year old. The answer was good enough as Scout smiled at Olivia in satisfaction. Olivia watched the writing on the back of the jersey disappear as the girl skipped out of the kitchen and back to her bedroom, causing Olivia to laugh. Scout wasn't very coordinated, and seeing her try to skip was comical. It was so lopsided and rough, not graceful and smooth. Tom had Scout's jersey custom made and he was so proud every time he saw her wear it. The back said "daddy's girl" instead of Brady. Tom took pride in being a father, and it was sexy to Olivia even though her marriage was up in the air.

Olivia finished making breakfast and preceded to get ready. She stood in front of her bed where she laid out her clothing options. One was a Brady jersey, the other was a red button down shirt. She opted for the red shirt. She couldn't bring herself to put Tom's name on her back. Even though it was her name too, it felt more his than hers. She brushed her feelings about Tom aside. Today wasn't about her. It was by about him. It was about trying to give Scout a sense of her normal life again.

The mother and daughter duo were shuffled into a waiting car outside of their hotel room. They were en route to MetLife Stadium: Home of the New York Jets. As they neared closer to the stadium the sidewalks filled with Jets jerseys and signs taunting Olivia's husband. Olivia's blood boiled at them taunting her man. They had signs about him cheating on her and that just about caused Olivia to scream at them out the window. But then she heard Tom's voice in the back of her mind. If they didn't think I was good, they wouldn't try to tear me down. He saw their taunting as a compliment, and Olivia instantly relaxed.

She stepped out of the car and unbuckled Scout, who opted to walk

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She stepped out of the car and unbuckled Scout, who opted to walk. She began walking and as people began to yell to her she stopped waking in the middle of the stadium. It hit her like a brick. The reason she was getting so mad at the things they were saying about Tom.

After getting her heart rate back to a normal speed again she began walking up to her seat. Coming to a Jets game was always dangerous, the rivalry ran deep and the fans were ruthless.  Olivia usually never brought Scout to these games but she didn't have a choice. They got to their box seat, where Scout set up a little area for herself to play for when the game got boring.

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