» phone calls «

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Stop callin', stop callin'
I don't wanna think any more

October 14, 2014

"Olivia, listen to me," Tom pleaded. He'd been trying to talk but sensed Olivia wasn't listening to him on the other end. He was wrong though. She was listening. She just didn't believe what he was saying.

"What is it, Tom? That you are sorry? That you didn't mean it? That your lips slipped on to hers?" Olivia questioned. She was pacing the hotel room as Scout slept in the other room. She refused to talk about it when Scout was around. She didn't want her daughter to see her cry, even though the tears stopped falling days ago. But she also didn't want to alter Scout's opinion of Tom. Scout looked up to Tom and loved him dearly and she didn't want to change that. Scout was a daddy's girl and she didn't want her to see Olivia talking badly to him. Tom was Scout's role model. She knew that Scout needed Tom in her life, but she needed Scout right now. And she needed Scout to be around for the baby when Olivia had it, in case Tom wasn't.

"Look, I'm coming to New York this weekend. I want to meet up with you," Tom explained. Olivia knew he'd be coming, they played the Jets this week. She practically memorized that schedule when he got it, trying to get an idea on when Tom would be there. On the other line of the phone he was hunched over the patio table in their backyard. He had playing fetch with their dog Red, but the dog grew tired and Tom became bored by the game and more focused on his wife. Was she still his wife?

"I don't think that's a good idea," Olivia pursed her lips. Damnit. She missed Tom. She missed the smell of his cologne that left little traces everywhere he went. She missed the cowlick in his hair and the way he tried to gel it down but failed. She missed nestling her head in the crook of his neck, which seemed to fit perfectly. She wanted to see him so badly. But she knew the second she saw him that she would melt and give in. Just thinking about him made her knees weak. His crooked smile. His glowing blue eyes. But then she remembered Chloe, the betrayal sent her mind in a frenzy. The weakness in her knees gone and her blood filled with rage.

"Olivia, please," Tom was begging now and his voice cracked over the phone. "If you can't bring your heart to do it for me, do it for Scout," Tom tried. Olivia's heartbeat instantly quickened at even hearing her daughter's name. Her and Tom's daughter. "I don't want her growing up, being bounced from place to place. You in New York and me here. She needs us to be together. I know that. And I hope you know that," Tom said. They both grew up in family's that didn't get divorced, and couldn't imagine what that was like. They didn't want their kids to experience it. He was adamant that he see at least Scout.

"You can see her. She needs you," Olivia said coldly. She hated to admit that she couldn't provide her daughter with everything she needed. She wasn't the strong hand to hold. She wasn't the one Scout begged to look under the bed for monsters for. She wasn't the one who Scout cheered for during football games. She wasn't the broad shoulders that Scout sat upon. She couldn't be the mother and father figure that Scout needed. She was only one person, there was no sense in pretending that she could be both.

"Thank you. Thank you. I'm going to make this right Olivia. I won't go through this life without you," Tom said. He was sobbing now. Olivia's heart felt a pang of guilt. She had nothing to be guilty for but she unwillingly felt it. She knew Tom, and she knew he hated losing. She knew that he wouldn't lose her without putting up a fight. Her heart warmed a bit thinking about the fight he was putting up. It was like the fourth quarter and they were down by 20. But she wasn't like a football game. Where one week you win and the next week you lose, and that seemed to be how Tom saw their marriage. Like a football game.

Life in New York with Scout was different. Olivia felt like Tom was just on business in Boston and every night she kept waiting for him to come home. But he didn't. Olivia was showing now and the tabloids made her their victim.

Pregnant and Alone. The Brady Scandal: The Nanny. Does Tom Brady cheat off and on the field. Baby on the way, and the boy is away. Scout and Olivia: How they are doing without Tom. We've got the exclusive.

They didn't have the exclusive though. All they knew was that Tom cheated with the nanny and him and Rob got in a fight. They didn't know that the real story was that the two had grown apart and weren't the same people they were when they married. Cheating was just the icing on the cake. The tabloids were relentless. Olivia swallowed hard just thinking about it. Her and Scout went on with their daily routine. She tried making life as normal as possible, but it proved to be harder than she thought. Scout's asking where Tom was, was seemingly starting to stop. She knew that Tom wasn't coming. She knew something was different but didn't know what. Olivia brought Scout to meetings with her. And Scout loved it, she loved being a "big girl" like her mommy.

"Mommy?" The tired eyed little girl appeared from the bedroom.

"How was your nap, baby?" Olivia asked picking her daughter up. She put her on her hip and walked toward the big window that looked down on New York City.

"Good. When are we going home?" Scout asked. Her bottom lip quivered in sadness. Olivia's heart ached seeing her daughter's pain. The girl was hurting because of Olivia and Tom. She didn't deserve it. Olivia pulled the girl to her chest.

"I don't know baby," Olivia said kissing her daughter's temple. "I don't know," she repeated in a whisper. She didn't have the answers that her daughter needed. Scout just wanted her daddy and mommy together. This was the one time Olivia didn't know if she could give Scout everything she ever wanted.

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