» trembling «

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This is relationship suicide
'Cause if you go, I go

October 15, 2014

"Will you please come home?" Tom asked.

He lowered his voice to make him seem less nervous. But Olivia knew that gesture all too well. They'd been married for over three years, she knew him better than he knew himself. The way he shifted from foot to foot in a press conference, saying that he wanted to hurry up. The speeding up in his voice when he was passionate about something. The real smile that spread across his lips when cameras weren't around them. These were things that only she knew about him. She felt a sense of pride because the dreaded Chloe would never know Tom on the level that she did.

"Tom, it's going to take more than this to get me to come home. We have a lot of work to do before we are at where we used to be. You need to prove it to me," Olivia said sternly. Tom licked his lips, this meant he was carefully planning out what he wanted to say next. Oh those lips. Olivia wanted them to meet hers. She wanted to feel the sensation that happened every time their lips touched. She had to hold her ground though, she knew she couldn't just give into him. No matter how badly she wanted to.

"Please come to the game tomorrow. I will make it up to you afterwards. You, Scout, and the baby are my number one priority. Win or lose, I will prove to you how sorry I am," Tom begged. He lost his cool composure and gained a sense of urgency. Like his life depended on Olivia saying yes to him. Maybe it did though. Olivia was the one that brought meaning to his life. Life without her would be no life worth living. Olivia breathed in deeply, contemplating her answer. Then she remembered the little girl who counted down the days until she saw her daddy, the little girl who was in her room right now probably setting up a tea party, the little girl who thought Tom could walk on water, the little girl who would be devastated if she didn't get to go to the game.

"Fine. For Scout," Olivia said hastily. She didn't want to give in to Tom but Scout needed her to. Scout needed Tom.

"Thank you. Thank you Olivia. You won't regret this," Tom said with a wide grin on his face. His youthful spirit came through and Olivia had to stifle a laugh. She nodded her head at him and shifted her eyes to the patterned carpet.

"I think Scout is waiting for you," she said softly. She pursed her lips.

"Right. Thank you," Tom said again. He walked behind the couch. His lips surprisingly met Olivia's cheek and his hands were placed on her shoulders. She didn't want to feel the chill that he gave her, but she did. And she was positive he felt it too. She tensed up her shoulders and tried to talk herself out of doing what she wanted to do. But it was no use. She was already gone. She sat up on her knees in the love seat and turned to faced him. She pulled Tom into her and wrapped her arms around his neck. He put his large quarterbacking hands around her back and inched his head closer to hers until finally their lips touched. It had been so long since either of them felt the spark in their kiss. But it was their this time. But it was more than a spark, it was like a firework going off. Neither of them wanted to pull away, fearful that they might lose the sensation. Fearful they might lose each other.

Olivia's pregnant belly was pushed into Tom's stomach. A little flutter spread across her stomach. "Oh my god! Did you feel that?" Tom asked, reluctantly pulling away from the kiss. Olivia smiled.

"It was a kick," she assured him that it was normal. "They kick when they like something, that's what the doctor told me anyway."

"Can I touch it?" Tom asked anxiously. He wanted to feel the kicking again. Olivia nodded and he gently placed his large hand on her growing stomach. Tom looked at her in awe. He had never felt Scout kick when Olivia was pregnant with her, this was a totally new experience for him.

The baby kicking killed the fireworks from the kiss, but my have set off a new spark in the marriage.

Super short update, but it's been a while since I updated. Is Olivia falling back into Tom's trap to soon? Or was time apart really what they needed? Will the spark stay lit or will it fizzle out? I got a new phone and keeps auto correcting my words so just bear with me for a while. ALSO I PUBLISHED A NEW JULIAN EDELMAN BOOK. SO EDELMAN LOVERS MAKE SURE YOU CHECK OUT AMNESIA!

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