» blessings «

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Look, I feel blessed
Way up I feel blessed

September 8th, 2014

"Scout are you going to miss me when I'm gone?" Tom asked. He was lying on the carpet next to Scout brushing one of her dolls hair. He knew he had to get going soon, but he really didn't want to leave Scout. He loved playing football, but his priorities shifted since she was born. Everytime he left, he worried that he would forget about him.

"Yes daddy," Scput said putting her doll down to wrap her chubby toddler arms around Tom's neck tightly. Tom put his large hand on his daughter's back to finish the hug she started.

"I'll be back in a few days though. Then we can finish playing with these dolls okay?" Tom said kissing the top of Scout's head.

"Okay daddy," Scout said wriggling out of Tom's arms to go back to playing. Tom stood from the white carpet that was covered in doll accessories. He straightened out his gray sweater and reached for his duffle bag on the ground next to where he was just laying.

"I love you Scout," Tom said standing in the doorway of the toddlers room. He needed to get one last look at her before leaving. The light was shining in from the window making her brunette hair glow.

"I love you too daddy," Scout said looking up quickly at him and then going right back to making up scenarios about what her dolls were doing. It didn't phase her that Tom was leaving, maybe she knew that he would be back in a few days, or maybe she didn't care, either way Tom had a small frown on his face. Tom hung his head and turned on his heels to start walking towards the front door. Olivia peeked out of their bedroom. She folded her arms across her chest and tossed her hair to one side.

"You aren't forgetting about me are you?" She asked in a seducing voice. Tom turned around and his frown instantly turned into a smile. His mood was instantly lightened.

"I could never forget about you, my love," Tom said walking back down the hallway to where his wife was standing. Olivia's heart fluttered at hearing him call her my love. "I'll miss you," Tom said before kissing her lips goodbye.

"I'll miss you too. Play good but don't get hurt," Olivia said putting her small hand on his scruffy face. She always worried about Tom getting hurt, especially with him getting older. A serious look shown on her face, in regards to Tom's health.

"I'll do my best," Tom answered honestly. His lips pressed in straight line.

"Don't got any ideas with those Miami girls. Remember I have people watching," Olivia said fearfully. She always worried that if she didn't go to the games that Tom would cheat on her. It wasn't that she didn't trust Tom. She knew how attractive her husband was and she didn't trust the other girls.

"I would never!" Tom answered. He had a look of disappointment on his face hearing that Olivia would even think he would cheat on her. Olivia let out a sigh of relief after seeing Tom's reaction.

"And please hurry home," Olivia said giving him her last piece of advice. She kissed him one more time. She finally cracked a smile when their lips parted.

"I will be home as quickly as I can," Tom answered. He gave her a sideway smile before walking back down the hallway and out the front door.

Since they had their date, things had been going great for the family. Olivia was finally adjusting to life back in Boston and Tom was being more patient with the adjustment. They were making time for each other and that is all their relationship really needed.

Olivia heard the front door close and she walked the rest of the way down the hallway to check on Scout. "Bugs, what are we going to do without daddy?" Olivia asked sitting on the carpet next to her daughter.

"We can play," Scout suggested. She was setting up her dolls house just the way she needed it.

"I was thinking we could go to Aunt Sarah's house," Olivia said finally getting her daughter's full attention.

"Will Uncle Jules be there?" Scout asked with enthusiasm in her voice.

"No, Uncle Jules is going with daddy, remember?" Olivia said jogging Scout's memory. Scout slumped her shoulders. "But Cain will be there," Olivia said cheering her daughter up.

"Can we go mommy? Please!" Scout pleaded.

"Sure, let's go," Olivia stood from the carpet and followed her running toddler to the front door. Olivia already told Sarah that she was coming over.

Olivia drove the short distance to the Gronkowski household. She unbuckled Scout and led her up to the door. Sarah opened the door with a welcoming smile. "Hey guys!"

"Hi!" Olivia said giving her fried a hug.

"Come on in! Scout, Cain is in his room if you want to go play with him," Sarah told the toddler.

"Thank you Aunt Sarah," Scout said wandering off to Cain's room. 

"Behave!" Olivia called after her daughter who didn't acknowledge her advice. Sarah poured Olivia a glass of wine and then led her into the open living room. They each sat on one of the couches that were perpendicular to each other.

"How have you been?" Sarah asked.

"I've been good. We're finally adjusting back to life in Boston and everything is going really well," Olivia said sipping on the red wine.

"How have you and Tom been?" Sarah asked. Her head was leaning on her hand.

"Ever since we had our date night it's like things were never bad between us," Olivia confided.

"Things were bad?" Sarah asked. She had no idea that Tom and Olivia were having problems.

"Yeah," Olivia said sheepishly. "This offseason just really weird. I felt like everyday we were just growing apart, you know? When we first got bask here, I contemplated leaving," Olivia said avoiding eye contact. She felt bad for doing so, and was glad she didn't leave.

"Oh my gosh! I had no idea!" Sarah said. Her hands were covering her mouth in shock.

"Nobody did, not even Tom," Olivia said spinning the glass in her hands. "But then he planned that date night and it just showed me that he did care about our relationship and it pushes me to try harder," Olivia said looking up from the glass.

"That's great Liv," Sarah said. A smile smile shown on her face.

"How are you and Rob?" Olivia asked. She was sick of talking about her relationship problems.

"Well I think we are going to get married over the bye week. Just something small only you guys and family," Sarah said with a much bigger smile than before. Olivia quickly stood from the couch, almost spilling her wine, to hug her friend.

"Oh my gosh, that's so exciting!" Olivia said.

"I'm just glad we finally set a date," Sarah said. Rob was always the one they didn't think would get married and him and Sarah had been engaged for years.

"I'm so happy for you guys," Olivia beamed. She was so excited for the wedding. She finally got the one on one time she needed with Tom. And now she got the girl time she needed with Sarah. Olivia felt blessed. And she had every right to feel that way.

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