» therapy «

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Oh these times are hard,
Yeah, they're making us crazy

November 6, 2014

Brady's spotted together in Boston. Did Olivia forgive the cheating Tom? Brady Bombshell: Back Together. Insider says they will work it out. Did Olivia give in?

Yes. They finally got something right. Olivia gave in. How could she not give in? She loved Tom wholeheartedly. Tom was her soulmate. Tom was the father of her kids. Tom was her best friend. How cold she just throw that all away. Their love was real. It was never perfect. But it was real.

Being back in Boston felt surreal. She never thought she would be back here to stay. She imagined herself dropping Scout off, but nothing more than that. She looked out the large window facing the grassy backyard. Tom was in clear view, playing with Scout. They were passing a soccer ball back and forth between each other. Tom so desperately wanted Scout to share his love of sports with him. Olivia's corner of her lips peaked up at the two. She loved seeing them interact.

Life back in Boston was going smoothly

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Life back in Boston was going smoothly. Olivia set strict rules with Tom to spare her feelings from getting hurt again. She slept in the master bedroom, while he slept in the guest bedroom. The nanny was fired, and they agreed not to hire another one. She had been back for three weeks now and they went to marriage counseling regularly. When they first got married, she never thought her and Tom would need counseling. The star crossed lovers never imagined that they would go through life without each other; even if it was only for a few weeks.

Scout saw her in the window and gleefully came running to her. Olivia sidestepped to the glass door next to her to welcome her daughter in. "Did you have fun, bugs?" Olivia asked. She picked up Scout and placed her on her hip. Scout's leg rested protectively over Olivia's bump. Scout understood that there was going to be another baby, and she was so excited to be a big sister.

"Mommy did you see us? I beat daddy!" Scout exclaimed victoriously.

"Good job! You know daddy is a bad loser?" Olivia said. Tom came to the door now and smirked playfully at Olivia. She kissed Scout's forehead and walked through the large house towards the front door. "You're going to go play with Cain while mommy and daddy go out for a bit. Okay?" Olivia said crouching down to Scout's height, while she took off her play shoes put on her nice ones. Tom and Olivia didn't tell Scout that they were really going to therapy. She wouldn't understand and they didn't want to explain everything to her; not at this age anyways, maybe when she got older.

The car ride to the Gronkowski house was unusually loud. Scout sat in the backseat belting out the lyrics to "Let It Go" and Tom jubilantly joined in. Olivia was shocked when her usually composed husband began singing the children's song that she decided to join in too. When they got to Rob and Sarah's house, Olivia took Scout in. Tom still had some making up to do with his teammates and thought it would be best if he stayed in the Range Rover.

The car pulled into the parking lot of their therapist's office. "Are you ready?" Tom asked, their hands had been unconsciously holding. Tom looked down at them and squeezed Olivia's to make sure it was real. Olivia nodded nervously. She hated coming here, she never knew what was going to happen inside those lightly painted walls and that scared her. She hated being surprised by what would come out of the session.

"Hello, Olivia and Tom," Dr. Morgan said as the two walked somberly into the room. They acted as if they just got called to the Principals office. They took their seats next to each other on the hard leather couch across from Dr. Morgan.

"How have you two been at home?" The petite woman asked peering over her glasses at the two. She held a pad of paper in her hands.

"Good. We're getting there but it will take time," Tom said side glancing at Olivia to see her reaction to what he said.

"What do you think Olivia?" Dr. Morgan asked now looking up at Olivia. She gulped before answering.

"I think the cheating wasn't our only problem. I think had he not cheated, we would still be here. We'd been growing apart and the chest if was my last straw," Olivia said. She stared doe eyes at Dr. Morgan making sure not to look at Tom. She could feel his eyes burning into her skull, he hadn't expected that.

"We haven't really talked about the cheating. Tell me how it made you feel exactly. Both I you. Olivia, you start," Dr Morgan said. She gestured her hand to Olivia to began talking.

"It made me feel replaceable, and worthless, like I'd been tossed to the curb," Olivia spoke softly as if she were trying to prevent Tom from hearing. When she finished talking she pressed her lips together.

"Tom. Now you," Dr. Morgan said without responding to Olivia.

"I felt like she pushed me away so long ago. I felt like our marriage was not even there. I know it wrong what I did but truthfully, I don't think Olivia was innocent either," Tom said angrily. He talked about Olivia as if she weren't there. Olivia looked away from Tom, blinking back tears that she desperately didn't want to fall.

"Okay, now I want you to face each other and apologize for something- anything. Tom, we'll start with you this time," the woman spoke authoritatively. Tom shifted on the leather to face Olivia, his eyes pleaded for her to do the same. She slowly turned to him, her tears barely visible. Tom reached for her hand and hers softly wrapped around his. He pressed his thumb into her palm.

"Olivia, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I nearly tore out family apart and risked everything I had. You and Scout are my world. I won't make up excuses for my actions, but if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't even have hired her. I wouldn't have taken a chance. I deeply regret it and I hope you know how sorry I am," Tom said. Little droplets fell onto his cheeks. Olivia breathed in deeply.

"Tom, I'm sorry that you feel like I pushed you away. I didn't mean to. I felt so distant from you and I escaped to New York. I shouldn't have left you. Or Scout. I'm sorry for being foolish and naive," Olivia said finally letting go of the breath she held in.

"Good, I think that's good for today," Dr. Morgan said standing from her chair swiftly. She was in a cheery mood but Tom and Olivia stared blankly at each other, not sure how to feel. But whatever they were feeling, they both felt it.

Marriage counseling?! 😳 What did you guys think? Let me know! 😘

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