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Closing time
Open all the doors and let you out into the world

December 6th, 2014

Olivia woke up to a chill in the house. The winter air had officially taken over Boston and the Christmas feeling had begun to set in. She wrapped her pink silk robe tightly around her and tied it just above her bulging stomach. Olivia started making her way towards the kitchen after she realized Tom wasn't in bed anymore.

"Good morning beautiful," Tom said once Olivia came into view of the living room. Olivia blushed at his greeting. He was sitting on the white plush couch in the living room. She didn't answer him but she went to snuggle into his side. "How are you?"

"Kind of uncomfortable," Olivia responded rubbing her stomach.

"Do you need anything?" Tom asked. He sat up a little bit from his slouched position in the couch.

"No, just be here with me," Olivia said pulling him back down into the couch. Tom smiled and wrapped his arms around his wife proudly. Her stomach rested on his shirtless abs.

"I would love to stay here all day but I have to go to practice soon," Tom explained kissing her forehead.

"Can't you tell Belichick I need you here?" Olivia whined. She nuzzled her face into his neck and held tightly to him.

"I don't think he would like that," Tom chuckled. His large hand rubbed her back, trying to make her more comfortable.

"I know, but it was worth a shot," Olivia frowned.

"Why don't you and Scout come by the field today? She hasn't been there for a while and after practice we can go grab some dinner," Tom suggested.

"Yeah. We can do that. She'll be so excited to see Jules," Olivia complied. Tom kissed her forehead one last time before removing himself from their snuggle on the couch. He got up carefully, trying not to disturb Olivia's comfort at all. Tom went back down the hallway and came back moments later changed out of his pajamas and into his practice clothes.

"I'll see you at the field then. I love you," Tom said kissing Olivia on the lips. She held onto his muscular neck, trying to keep him to herself for as long as she could.

"I love you too," Olivia kissed him back.

"Try not to fight anyone while I'm gone," Tom said laughing at Olivia's recent grocery store trip.

"Very funny. Get to practice," Olivia smirked back. She smacked his butt as he started to walk away, causing him to come back for one more kiss. He always had to get the last say, she assumed it was part of his competitive drive.

Not long after the front door closed behind Tom, their busy 3-year-old girl's pitter-pattering feet could be heard smacking along the wooden floors. Scout did just as Olivia did to Tom and snuggled up close to her mother. "Good morning bugs," Olivia said. She brushed Scout's wild curly hair out of her face to show her beaming blue eyes.

"Good morning, Mama," Scout yawned.

"Do you know where we are going today?" Olivia asked in an enthusiastic voice. Scout sat up with a smile on her face anticipating what her mother was about to say. "Do you want to go see Daddy at work?"

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