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We both know that we lost it somehow
Let's get it found

November 10, 2014

Scout had been sound asleep in her room for a while now. The Brady household smelled of the vanilla candles that Olivia lit. The smell comforted her. Tom and Olivia sat on opposite sides of the living room and the only sound they heard was the crackling of the fireplace. The fireplace brought a warmth to the room to set out the cold fall air.

The married couple were silent, but this was a different kind of silent. This was a comfortable one. All of the words that needed to be said were said in their therapy session earlier today and they felt at ease. The more they went to therapy, the more tension they released, the more they got back to normal.

Olivia was reading a home decor magazine while Tom flipped through the pages of Sports Illustrated contently. In the distance Olivia could hear the sound of seconds ticking off of the clock. Tom must have heard it too because he checked the watch that sat comfortably on his wrist. Olivia eyed him. Tom carefully shut the magazine and began shifting on the couch to stand up. She opened her mouth to say something but she shut it when Tom lay back down in the couch. He held a tight stare with the vaulted ceiling. Olivia tilted her head, wondering what he was doing. She could tell something was going through his mind. She set her now closed magazine next to her on the couch. "What are you thinking about?" She asked, finally breaking the silence between them.

"Just how things could be different," Tom answered lightly. He was studying the beams in the ceiling and wrinkled his eyebrows at it.

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked sitting up a little bit and shutting her magazine to give him her full attention. He sat up now and hunched over his legs.

"Well, I risked everything. You. Scout. My teammates. Without you guys, what else matters? But here you are. You chose to look past my mistake. If you weren't hear this silence would haunt me, with you this silence is comfortable. His silence is safe. I don't want that silence that is alone. I wouldn't have Scout dreaming about mermaids or unicorns upstairs. I wouldn't have you flipping the pages over there methodically. If you didn't come home, these little things are the things I would miss the most," Tom said twirling his hands and glancing up to Olivia.

"You wouldn't have this baby in your life either," Olivia said standing from the couch to go to Tom.

"That's true," Tom said reaching for her hand. The comfortable silence was gone and replaced with comfortable conversation. Neither of them thought they would get to the point where they could talk peacefully around each other again. Olivia didn't give into Tom when he tried to pull her down next to him.

"Come on," Olivia said pulling him up from the couch. She pulled him close so their bodies were touching. Tom didn't know what was happening but goosebumps covered Olivia from their sudden touching.

"What are we doing?" Tom asked faintly. His voice was barely heard, making it even more intimate.

"Stay with me tonight," Olivia answered even quieter. Tons heart rate rushed. He had waited to hear those words for so long and he acted on impulse. His am hands wrapped around Olivia and picked her up. Olivia wasn't surprised, she wanted him. She needed him and that was his way of showing her he needed her too. He carried her up the stairs. Olivia's arms wrapped around his neck and his warm breath tickled her bare shoulders.

He placed her on the bed and his breath was already heavy. Olivia pulled on his neck. Drawing him down to her height. Their lips met and Tom's muscular hands wrapped around her. It had been so long. Both of them needed each other tonight.

****Olivia slipped into one of Tom's baggy shirts just in case Scout woke up

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Olivia slipped into one of Tom's baggy shirts just in case Scout woke up. The shirt wasn't as baggy as it used to be, as Olivia's growing stomach filled it well.

Olivia could hear the faint sound of her daughters feet hitting against the wooden floor. She let out a sigh of relief for putting on Tom's shirt. She groggily opened her eyes, the clock read 7:38. She knew it was morning, due to the sun shining in from the windows. Neither of them cared to draw the curtains last night. People seeing them was the last of their worries.

"Mommy, it's morning," Scout said crawling up into the bed. The bed was high and she needed to stand in the footstool at the end of the bed to climb into it. She laid in the middle of the bed, between Tom and Olivia. She didn't say a word, but she smiled. Olivia rolled over to face the girl with the wide smile on her face.

Scout didn't understand what had been going on in her life lately or why her and mommy and daddy hadn't been talking like they used to. But she knew that those days were over and that her family was back. And her smile was the approval that Olivia needed to know that she made the right choice.

Are they in the clear? Is Scout's family finally back? 👨‍👩‍👧

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