» stuttering «

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I tried to believe you but something is wrong
You won't look in my eyes tell me what's going on

October 1, 2014

"Scout!" Tom said finally pushing the nanny off of him. He was so far gone in the kiss that he hadn;t heard the pitter patter of his daughter' feet coming down the wooden steps. He went to pick up Scout in the doorway. "I thought you were sleeping, bugs," Tom said picking the small girl up and kissing her cheek with the same lips that had just been on Chloe's. Tom's cheeks were burning bright red with guilt.

"I missed mommy," Scout's eyes turned glassy, as tears threatened to spill over. Tom's large quarterbacking hand rested on the back of her head, pulling her into his shoulder. His lips reached to kiss her temple.

"I miss her too," Tom said walking up to the main floor leaving Chloe smirking in his office all alone. "She'll be back in a few days though," Tom said. He placed the small girl on the countertop in the kitchen.

"Daddy?" The girl asked, almost afraid. Tom gulped in fear of her next question. How would he respond if his daughter asked him what he was doing? He wasn't prepared.

"Yes?" Tom asked nervously. He breathed in sharply.

"Can we have ice cream?" Scout asked looking at him with puppy dog eyes. Tom exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Of course we can have ice cream my love," Tom answered thankfully turning towards the freezer to get out the ice cream. He wondered if Scout would ever say anything to him about the kiss, he hoped that she wouldn't. The sweet, innocent, little girl didn't deserve a dad that cheated on her mom. His wife didn't deserve it either.

October 5, 2014

Olivia stood in the airport waiting for her ride. The usually punctual Tom was running late. Tom always harped on her to be early for flights and here she stood waiting for him and Scout. She checked her watch. The watch Tom had bought her for Christmas the year before. She spun in a circle before returning her eyes back to the phone in her hand. She was beginning to think Tom forgot about her.

"Mommy!" she heard her darling Scout's voice calling from behind her. She spun to the voice and saw Scout running at her full speed. This was the longest Olivia had ever been away from Scout.

"Baby!" Olivia said crouching down to Scout's height. She held her arms out for Scout to run into. The toddler gladly did. Olivia stood to full height and began covering Scout in pink kisses. "I missed you so much, bugs," Olivia said kissing her daughter's cheek one last time. She looked to Tom now. His eyes were shifty.

"Welcome home," he spoke softly. He put his hand on the small of her back and pulled her in for a quick peck on the lips. His lips felt different. She kissed him again to confirm they tasted different. They did. She shrugged it off though.

"Did you miss me?" Olivia asked. Her eyes begging for him to say yes. 

"I miss you always," Tom said guiding her to the car. They reached the parked Range Rover and Tom loaded the suitcase into the back while Olivia buckled Scout. Once they were both in the car, Tom put it into drive. He glanced his wide blue eyes at Olivia and then at Scout in the rear view mirror. "How was New York?"

"It was really good. I got everything done that I needed to and I should be set for a while," Olivia said crossing her left leg over the right. Tom nodded in approval.

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