September 30, 2015

71 4 4

#1 September 30, 2015

Dear Possibly Broken,

For the first time, I let myself wonder what it would be like to be with you. I imagine showing up at your soccer games with a book that you try to read during half time, arguing that you "just can't put it down." I imagine that you sing in the shower. I imagine that you're the type of guy who would take me out as many times a week as I wanted, but I'm the type of girl who doesn't need that. You would be my breath of fresh air and I would your sunshine. I wonder if you have a bad habit that you hide from the rest of the world. Maybe you drink. I imagine what you would be like drunk. Maybe you bite your nails. I imagine that I would kiss your fingertips until it doesn't matter anymore. Maybe you cut. I imagine that I would trace every scar until they are irrelevant. I imagine waking up in your arms in white sheets and white shirts. I imagine that you would avoid confrontation. I wonder if you're really how everyone thinks you are. I wonder if you have a temper. I wonder if you get aggressive when you're angry. I imagine that you are deeper than the show you put on. I imagine that I would be proud of what you've done, rather than doing it for you. I imagine you would see me as equal. I am just as smart as you, only no one sees it. I imagine loving your mother. I imagine mine loving you. I wonder if you look at the stars and wish that for once, someone that matters would be proud of you, just like I do. I wonder if you want to be a doctor? A businessman? A mechanic? I imagine that I wouldn't care. You have no idea how much I wouldn't care. I pride myself in having gone four years without having feelings for you. I wonder if that phase is over. I wonder if you would even care. I imagine that we have more in common than you will never know. You will never know. You must never know. Because pretty people are only meant to be looked at. I hope you know that.


The Girl with the Imagination

Author's Note:
Hi guys!! So this is my first story, and I'm not really sure how this will go but....I figured why not! I would love it so much if you all were not just silent readers. I would love ideas and constructive criticism sooooo let me know what you all think? Also, the picture above is Evan Peters, obviously, and he's the closest I could get to finding someone to fit my image of the Unknown Boy so I hope that helps a little :)
Love you all and thank you so much!!! :)


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