November 19, 2015

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#8 November 19, 2015

Dear Thanksgiving Whore,

We don't have school today so we're working on our project at my house. No one is home, but I'm not really nervous. I made sure my room was clean for once. You will be coming over soon; I must shower. I'll write later.

It's later. You just left. You sat in my kitchen like you belonged there. It looked like you belonged there. You do belong there. Today I learned that Thanksgiving is your favorite holiday. There is no pressure about who has bought what for whom. There is no awkward silence because no one asks you about relationships when you're stuffing your face. You also really like cherry pie. You told me that you would like every holiday to be Thanksgiving, that you wish every day was Thanksgiving. On other holidays, you feel like you're cheating on Thanksgiving. I thought that was absolutely ridiculous,well, because it is, but because of the way that you pushed your curly hair out of your eyes, I told you that you were a Thanksgiving whore. You threw your orange slice at me. The project wasn't really important. We did very little. You had to go meet your girlfriend. You know, the one that looks like Lorde with the curly hair and the innocent eyes. I knew I was onto something about her. Today is the day to write about my insecurities. My therapist tells me that if I get them out of my head, they may just go away. I don't like my hair. It is thin in some places but thick in others. In the summer, I feel like it's pretty with the blonde and red highlights, but come winter it becomes a very dull brown color. I have thin eyelashes. I wear dark rimmed glasses. I pick at my nails. My thighs are too large and my hips are too small. I'm so unproportional. I do not feel any better about myself after writing them down. What do therapists know, right? I feel very insignificant to you. I suppose that would be because I am. You don't know me. I don't know if I want you to know me anymore. I don't want be a to burden you. So I'll continue to call you a Thanksgiving whore and continue to hide my insecurities because that is what I should do. Wish me luck.


The Girl with the Sense of Humor and the Bad Therapist

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