November 25, 2015

13 1 0

#10 November 25, 2015

Dear Late Night Thought,

It's two AM and I am sitting on my front porch watching the street lights flicker. I am thinking way too hard. I am wondering what it would be like if you were sitting here with me. Maybe the streetlights wouldn't flicker so much. Angels are supposed to make things like that go away, right? So people aren't so scared? I am eating cherry pie and it makes me think of you, just when I was able to focus on the streetlights going on and off, on and off, on and off. If we were together I would not feel so alone right now, but I am certain that if I were with anyone else, I would still be lonely. You'd be wearing your dark grey sweatshirt with the red lettering that you love. I would tuck my bare feet under your legs and then maybe I wouldn't be so cold. Sure, I could get up and get socks, but my pie would get cold. It's trying to snow, but something out there in the great big world doesn't want it to snow. Maybe that's because I love snow. Good things always happen when it snows. If you were here, it would be snowing. If you were here, we would be cuddling and I would feel less afraid. If there were a song playing right now, you know, like in movies, it would be Chasing Cars by The Snow Patrol. But, however, if I did hear it, people would tell me that I'm going crazy. Not that I haven't been told that before.

I've heard that loving someone you barely know is crazy. I have been told that obsessing over someone is crazy. I have been told that imagining a future with someone is crazy. But I think that all of that is beautiful. That in order to love someone you don't know, you have to be able to look past the jealousy of the insufficient the judgement of the scholars. You have to see past the flaws that you know are there, even though they are not always visible. You have to be able to see inside people's souls. Someone tell me that it isn't beautiful. I dare you.

It's almost four now and my pie is cold. The street lights will come on in a few hours and the world will return to normality. You will be driving home from Maine. And I will be asleep. I thank God for sleep, but not necessarily for dreams.


The Girl with the Wistful Dreams

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