November 30, 2015

17 1 3

#13 Wednesday, November 30, 2015

Dear Gorgeous Actor,

I stayed at play practice today for you, just so you know. I shouldn't even be there, but I knew that you would be. I'm sneaky like that. It's days like this that I realize how much of a stalker I really am. I sat on the edge of the stage, helping one of my friends recite her lines. You came and sat by me when your scene was over. I was surprised when you sat down, but happy. You would lean over and whisper lines before the other students in the production would say them and I would laugh. Probably too loudly because you had to shush me several times. You are not the lead in this play, but that is okay. When it's your turn to be on stage, I watch you with wandering eyes. You exaggerate your facial expressions as you exclaim, "Dead! Well of course I'm dead." And then you looked over at me and winked. I crinkled my nose at you and you smiled. Honestly, it kind of reminded me of that quote from American Horror Story where the guy goes, "Hey, I'm dead. Want to hook up?" No one else noticed, but that was okay. Because I think that it was our moment. It wasn't November 16, but that's okay because God has heard me and sent me a sign. Not to give up. I thought about going home and sleeping today. I didn't want to deal with the world or anyone in it. It was one of the days where I wanted to crawl out of my own skin. You changed that. Just when you were about to monologue, a friend beckoned me into the back room. She was upset, so I consoled her. You snuck back there looking for me. I wonder if you were concerned that I had left you there with all of the people that you don't actually like. A girl can hope. You asked if we were okay, and I said yes. When she left, I stayed back there and you snuck up behind me. That was when I told you to stop creeping around like a gang banger in a dark alley. You asked how you could be both a gang banger and a Thanksgiving whore. I explained that even gang bangers need to eat. "Well you need to eat too. Do you want to go to Noodles and Company?" Smooth, very smooth.Today will not only go down as the day we had our moment, but also the day that we had, what I like to quietly consider, our first date. We drove in your car again and you whipped around corners too fast, but a little part of me loved it. Today I learned that you like spaghetti and meatballs. It is actually your favorite. That seems like a good thing to know. I'm not quite sure if you actually enjoyed spending time with me, or if you are just a good actor, but I swear that when you smiled, your eyes lit up too.


The Girl who was a Hopeless Romantic

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