October 5, 2015

42 2 0

#2 October 5, 2015

Dear Painfully Frustrating,

I think I envy you. Hate you. Respect you. But I hate you. Maybe I love you, too, in the same way. Could that be an aspect of love? Could not hate, love, and envy all be one in the same? For all strength of emotions might as well be love. If I were to hate you, isn't that the same as loving you? I would imagine so. Why wouldn't it be? What difference would loving you make? With all of our strong emotions, they all blend together. Whether loving or hating, respecting or envying, laughing or crying, it is all the same. So as you bite your nails and tie your shoes, I think that I feel it all at once. It's overwhelming, consuming, and I think that I have to walk away, no matter the temptation to feel. It must be over as I turn around and walk away, even though everything is screaming for me not to. I am still here. Peeking over at you past my copy of Hamlet, hoping that no one will see. What a bad decision. Unwelcome envy, unwelcome love. Running fast and running far. I make an oath that I won't be anything to you. I promise you. Just as I also hate you, envy you, respect you, and maybe even love you.


The Girl with the Feelings

Author's Note:
So this one kind of sucks...so sorry. But I promise they get better. I didn't really have a direction for the story at this point, so please just bear with me :)


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