An orator's love

30 4 5

I ascend on the podium, posture erect

A myriad pair of eyes watch me

Face warm in contrast to

Fingertips so cold

I swipe my palm across my skirt;

The wrinkles bother me,

Buckle my hands in place,

And speak

I start to speak, and, a feeling

So divine envelopes my gut

The blood in my veins dance to the

Rythym of my own voice passing through the microphone;

With every round of applause, blood

Gushes to parts that normally doesn't,  and

I feel my cheeks stain to a darker shade of red

Like i'm being touched in places

All so sensitive;

Like I'm about to fall apart

My buckled hands stay put no more, and

Fingers itch to move and coordinate

With my words, get my point across the room

And when I finish, I'm left with

Just the right blend of triumph

And desire- like last time

Anticipating for the next time, for more,

The adrenaline rush makes me discover

Maybe, just maybe, my stage is my lover.

* * * *

Uh I haven't been writing a lot of poetry. I'm doing more of prose and also this thing where I write stuff and not post it anywhere. I update my wordpress blog more than wattpad because plagiarism seems more legit here and I don't want to risk that. Thank you to everybody who reads and thank you for your lovely comments. I appreciate it, really.

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