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"sup mah bitch" said my best friend Sarah.

"notin much mah whore." I answer her. Yeah Yeah I know. I'm weird. well you see I'm that girl at school where if you fuck with her you die. so life is pretty good for me. I don't get no crap from people. nope. instead they all walk the other way. THANK GOD! I can't stand most people.

"sucky well I have detention. so I'll call you when I get out. Kay?"

"Kay." I walk away to my car. I love my mustang. Yeah your probably thinking about how that car is so expensive. well you see money is no problem for me, my dad being the mayor. I hop into my car and drive home.

the drive home is short and passes quickly. I open my front door.

"mom? dad? I'm home!" I shout and walk upstairs to my room. to be honest I don't know if they're home. most days they're not. my dad working and my mom out on vacations. she doesn't work. I feel like she doesn't love my father, like she only stays with him for his money. I don't doubt she did love him at one point but it must have faded. I might as well not have parents.

I pull out my swively chair and sit down. I grab my purse and pull out my homework. Yeah You're probably thinking 'wait badasses don't do school ' well guess what this one does. I'll go to college on a scholarship. a college far FAR away from here. so anyways I'm sitting there minding my own business when my mom comes into my room. she doesn't even knock.

"mom!" I screech, "what if I was naked?! you should learn to knock!"

"Oh calm down! I came to tell you that your father brought in a troubled young man to his office. "

"and?" I ask her, "this concerns me how?" don't take me wrong. I'm not some little prick who asks like a botch because she's rich.

"well your father thinks he acts the wayhe acts because he's lonely and needs a positive influence. " Oh no mom don't say what I think your gonna say. "so you'll be his new friends. he's transferred to your school and has all your classes."

"are kidding me?!" I practically screams in her face

"stop behaving this way! and lower your voice!"

" why should I lower my voice?", I'm yelling now instead of screaming.

"he's down stairs. " she says and I swear I'm gonna pee myself. "now come with me to meet him."

I feel bad for the way I was behaving so I follow her downstairs. I look at him one time and I feel my heart start to beat unevenly. he's tall, has curly brown hair and tattoos. this boy is the definition of sexy.

"Hey I'm Hailey."

"Hi I'm Harry." he sticks his hand out for me to shake and I of course do. as soon as we touch I feel fireworks, butterflies. I wonder if he felt it too.

"you two will be going out to much at........ NOW! Oh my gosh! I didn't realize the time! get out! get out!" my mom pushes out the door.

"did she tell you -"



we hop into my car and drive away from my house. it takes about 10 minutes to get into the city.

"where do you wa-"

"I don't care "

"would you please stop cutting me off?!" I say a little louder than I intended.

"well someones fiesty. " he says and put his hand on mine. I want to leave it there but I refuse to show anything that would add to his cheekiness. so instead I slap it away .

"I may be fiesty but You're a little to cheeky for my liking." I say.

"well get use to it cause I'm not going anywhere. "

"ugh" I groan.


we pull up to McDonald's and get out of the car. we order our food then sit down.

"so next time we go on a date it'll be somewhere nicer." he says.

"uhm excuse you? this isn't a date."

"well then there will be one. Saturday this week. dress casual."

"um how about no."

"I'll call your mom I'm sure she'll remind you."

I scoff at him for using my own mother against me. " whatever fine."

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