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hailey pov.

"are you sure you want to do this?" I ask harry as we walk into the hospital his mothers stationed in.

"yeah. I need to see her." he practically whispers.

"I love you." I say quietly and give him a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you too." he says with a smirk.

"yeah ok." I say. im not use to anyone saying it to me, and if thry did they only wanted in my pants.

"I mean it" he says in a serious tone, "I really love you. you are the most important thing in my life."

"other than your mum."

"I love you in a diffrent way."

"well id hope so."

"hahaha" we both laugh in unison

"well here goes nothing." he says under his breath. "umm anne styles" he says to the woman at the front desk.

"shes no longer with us." she says with a sympathetic look.

"what do you mean?!" harry yells

"harry calm down please." I say looking into his green eyes.

he takes a few deep breaths but I know better than to assume hes calm. "shes passed away. just 2 hours ago." the woman says.

harry doesnt say anything. nope. nada. nothing.

"im taking you somewhere." i say and climb into the driver side. not to long later harry is sitting next to me.

"where are we going?"

"the place I stayed when I ran away from home 2 years ago."

"how long were you gone?"

"1 and 1/2 years"

"your parents didnt look for you?"

"I dont think they even noticed I was gone. now get out of the car were here!' I say as I climb out of the car. I start walking up the dirt path into the woods knowing harry will cath up soon. I was right harry is right next to me in a matter of seconds.

"you stayed in the woods?" he asks as we walk.

"well yes and no."

"whar does that mean?"

"youll see" I say and continue walking. "cover your eyes." I say to harry.

"whyy?" he whines.

"cause I say so."

"fine. " he says and chuckles while covering his eyes.

we walk for like 5 more minutes before we're where I want to be.

"open your eyes." I tell harry.

"woow." he exclaims.

"what? " I say and giggle

"how did you find this place?" he asks. 'this place' is a small yet cozy cabin. it has flowers all arpund it. its just beautiful.

"well I was originally going to stay in the woods but lucky lill me found this place." I explain.

"its beautiful."

"I know." I giggle. "follow me." I tell him and walk to the front door. I pull out the key that I so cleverly hid on top of the door jam. I open the door and show harry around. "so heres the living room." in the living room is a love seat and a couch. with a decent sized tv on the wall. "this is the room I stayed in." the room I stayed in has a bookshelf on one wall and desk next to it, then on the other side is a queen bed. "theres another bedroom but its empty, and the bathroom lools like any other bathroom. same goes for the kitchen."

"how did you find a abandoned cabin in this nice of condition? "

"well I fixed it up a lill. I used to want to live here but I realize thats ridiculous now."

"its not ridiculous at all. in fact.... hailey will you move into this wonderful house with me?"

"oh my gosh! harry yes!"I yell and jump into his arms. this is what I dreamed of. finding someone I love, moving into my dream house and raising a family. but that'll come later. maybe.






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