just stay calm

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT BITCH!" I scream as we step in the house.

"babe please calm down." Harry says. he's been trying to calm me down since we left. I decide to try to calm down for Harry. he embraces me and rubs circles on my back.

"I'M sorry Harry." I whisper so quietly into Harry's chest that I'M not sure he heard.

"It's Okay baby. don't be sorry. "

Harry leads me to our bedroom and lays us down. we lay in silence until Harry's soft snores fill the room. I giggle slightly and allow darkness to consume me.

(nightmare! )

"no!! Sam!! please just hold on!! the ambulance will be here soon!!" I yell shaking him. the ambulance pulls up not to long later but it felt like forever. they take Sam's lifeless body away.

"is he going to be Okay?" I ask the paramedic.

"I'M afraid he's already gone. I'M so sorry."


I shoot you in bed sweating, crying and shaking.Harry shoots up next.

"are you Okay?" he asks.

"n-no" I stutter on my own words and start crying on his shoulder.I tell him all about Sam and how I messed up the five -now six- people who killed him. I expected him to look at me with disgust and push me away, but instead he hugs me tighter and kisses my head.

"Shh baby, It's Okay. It's over. It's in the past there's nothing you Can do to change it." he whispers softly in my ear. it gives me chills.

"but Harry if I wouldve stayed with him-" he cuts me off.

"no baby. stop." he kisses me. the kiss is not lustful at all, instead its full of love and passion. I love this boy SO much it scares me. but he must never know of my past. the same past of which I've tried so hard to change.

"let's go back to bed." he says and pulls me closer. I instantly cuddle more into his side and drift off to sleep.

Sarah pov

~~back to school lunch time~~

after hailey left the whole cafeteria was quiet. someone called a ambulance and Madison (the bitchy cheerleader ) is being carried away........ in a body bag. Yeah Hailey killed her. the paramedics didn't ask who did it. they knew and weren't about to have their lives taken over some snotty teen. Madison's parents freaked the fuck out! it was hilarious!

"WHO THE FUCK DID THIS?!" the mom screamed, everyone stayed quiet. we all knew better than to rat out hailey.

"does it matter Marcy? we've got 4 other daughters just like her." he said pointing towards the girl in the body bag.

" You're right." she states simply and they walk away. I felt sorta sad that girl had no one, but then I remember what she did to Sam. THAT BITCH DESERVED IT!

"zane!!" I yell

"yea babe? " he asks.

"Can we go get ice cream?"

"of course love. " he says putting his in the small of my back and leads me to his car.

well today was........ eventful.

Harry pov.

~back to him and HAILEY sleeping~

"Harry babe wake-up. " I open my eyes slightly and see hailey. "we have school doofus! get ready."

"Can we not go today? yesterday was eventful and I think we need a break." I say. she prances her way back over to me and sits on my lap.

"is that what you want?" she asks fluttering her eyelashes at me. God why is she so beautiful?

"yes it is. now come back to bed beautiful. " I say rolling over again. I sad ion feel the bed dip next to me. I scoot over and pull her close. she kisses my nose as we drift off into a sleep in each others arms.

hailey pov

when I wake-up again It's 12:30. I grab my phone off the nightstand and send Sarah a text.

to:sarah baby.

Hey I'M not coming in today. keep me updated?

from:Sarah baby.

of course love! how are things with Harry?

to:Sarah baby.

amazing! how about you and zayn?

from:Sarah baby.

he asked me out at the ice cream shop yesterday!

to:Sarah baby.

OMG! Sarah that's amazing!! I'M so happy for you!! you should come over today after school!! bring zayn!!

from:Sarah baby.

Okay Can wait!

I out my phone away and turn to Harry. he's still asleep so I get up with out waking him and go make myself brunch. when I'M done I Go sit on the couch as nd turn on TVs. sponge Bob's on!! yay!! my favorite!! don't judge me! I don't even realize when I fall asleep again.


I awake to a knocking at my door. I get up and answer.

"hello?" I say before looking up and seeing who it is.

"Hey. did you just wake-up?" It's Sarah.

"huh? Oh Yeah. come in." I say gesturing for them to enter. "I'll go wake-up Harry!" I say and sprint up my stairs only to trip and fall on my face. I get back up and decide on walking the rest of the way.

Harry pov.

I open my eyes and see hailey straddling me. her eyes full of excitement.

"what are you doing?" I ask her trying to stay serious.

"I'M sitting on you. what's it look like?" she replies sarcastically.

"oh so were gonna play it like that?" I ask her. she nods. I Buck my hips up my both moan.

"stahp! she says and jumps up. we have guest! get dresses and come into the living room." she says sternly. as soon as she closes the door I start busting up laughing.

I get dressed and walked downstairs.

who I saw did not please me.

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