will you be my .......

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Hey babes!!!!!!! so I'm going to try and make the chapters longer but if they're longer they'll be farther apart. island if that's what you want.



Hailey pov

"Oh my gosh Harry! this day is so perfect! nothing could make it better! Andrews here, you and I are Okay! this is just amazing!!!" I say.

"I bet I know something that couldn't make this better. " he says.

"only one thing. "

"Hailey will you be my girlfriend? "

"eww no!" I yell, I see sorrow wash over his face, "Harry I'm kidding! I would love to be your girlfriend! " his sorrow was quickly replaced by joy as I say this.

"youre amazing Hailey."

"not as much as you" he picks me up and spins me. so I guess this day could get better.

"we should probably go home. It's getting dark." Harry says. I give him my pouty face and he laughs and kisses my forehead.

"Okay." I say. but my pout is quickly replaced with a smirk.

"uh Oh I know that look. what are you thinking?"

"will you give me a piggy back ride home?" I ask him.

"of course love." he says and squats. I quickly jump on his back.


as we lay in my bed watching mib3, I think about how everything has turned upside since I met Harry. but nothing has changed badly. It's all been good. very good. but what if he's using me? am I using him? no of course not that's the dumbest thing I've heard. but it is normal for me to get used. 'don't skip to conclusions Hailey. just give him a chance.' Yeah I'm right. give him a chance. but only one. no redos. 'NONE!' maybe one. 'NO NONE!' but I really like him. 'MAYBE HE DOESN'T REALLY LIKE YOU!' yes he does! stop! 'WE BOTH KNOW YOU GET USED ALOT!' stop!! stop!!!

"Hailey!! Hailey!! wake-up!!" I wake-up from being shook.

"huh what happened? did I fall asleep?"

"yes and you were shaking and yelling 'stop stop ' I was worried about you." he says the last part in a whisper.

"I'm fine Harry. just a bad dream."

"Okay. go back to bed love."


"of course" with that I let the darkness of sleep consume me.


I wake-up to my alarm. ugh It's Monday. I wake-up Harry then hop in the shower. I took like like were 15-20 minutes in the shower and Harry acts like it has been 200 years. as soon as I step out of the bathroom Harry pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear.

"I missed you "

"I missed you too but I was only in the shower." I pull away from the hug since the only thing I'm in is a towel and I need to get dressed. I turn around to tell Harry to get dressed but when I look at him he's already dressed in a white shirt and black skinnies. damn. focus Hailey. focus.

I decide on white skinnies, black converse and a plain black shirt. the outfit all together is plain but it grabs the curves on my body nicely. after I put on makeup and straighten my hair I go downstairs to meet Harry.

"Harry. are you ready to go?"

"Yeah um, damn." he says when he turns around.


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