MREDW ~ Chapter 17

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Jason P.O.V

All my life I've dreamed of love, never thought it would hurt this much to stare goodbye and never wait for a return. So I'll be strong and hold on to a picture and the thought of him. 

Today was finally Monday.

In just a few hours I will be free to start living my miserable, mate-less life. I haven't even went through the process and just thinking about it made my stomach clench uneasily. I didn't want to release Justin but if releasing him made me numb to the pain of him ignoring me, then so be it. I know deep down that he will not be happy, just like me, but I wish him the best,

I had to come to school, just to see his face. To look at him one last time and dwell on what could never be and will never be. All my hopes and dreams of someday finding my mate and loving that person unconditionally crushed into the ground and stomped on. Just like my heart. 

I felt so depressed.

Maybe it was just a taste of what I was going to feel once I do release Justin. The longing I will be feeling and the empty shell of a person I will be in just a few hours and by tomorrow morning and the rest of my life. It all felt like the end of the world... Which for me, it might actually be the end of it all, I just hope its not the end of it all for Justin. I just hope what Leo told me a couple of weeks back wasn't true... I hope Justin doesn't feel empty and do find someone he learns to love. Someone that will protect him like I was born to.

But just like my hopes of finding my soulmate were burned to ashes, my hopes of Justin living happily ever after could and can be burned into ashes as well.

The bell for my last class rang and I sighed deeply while getting my things gathered and getting out of that room. I felt like every enclosed space was suffocating me today, I didn't feel comfortable anywhere. No matter how much I tried to get comfortable, I couldn't get myself to settle down. Neither could I get my mind to shut the fuck up about the event that will take place in just eight short hours. 

Walking down the hallway, I saw a commotion by the end of the hallway making me narrow my eyes. There was a group of people snickering while three others surrounded a boy that seemed to be just frozen in place. Being unable to do anything.

Dad will have a cow if he sees what's going on.

I walked over to them and stopped right on my tracks when I saw exactly who was it that they were harassing. I felt my heart stopping for a whole minute as I witnessed how they were manhandling Justin and slamming him into the lockers. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to comprehend why he wasn't doing anything to defend himself. He was known for kicking, whoever dared even look at him funny, in the balls.

"Get the fuck away from him, this instance" I growled as soon as I let myself come back to reality. Some of them gasped at how cannibalistic my growl sounded and the ones manhandling Justin only smirked at me.

"This has nothing to do with you, McCann. I recommend you find your way out" Mason Sanders, the trouble maker of this school, said as he gripped Justin's collar. I growled again stepped forward.

"I think I did not stutter when I ordered you to let go of Justin, now did I, Sanders?" I said slowly in a tone that would make Satan piss his pants and go ghost white with fear. Then again, they say wolves are the true spawns of Satan.

"And I thought I told your faggot ass to leave so I can finish this other faggot up" He snapped at me and I only chuckled deeply "We actually liked you, McCann, but that was until you decided to swim to the other side" I smiled,

"I actually plan on having a life after high school, Sanders. I don't know about you but to me, popularity in high school just doesn't work, only because its not going to stick with me through life. I will probably never see you again so it wont matter if I break your nose right now if you don't let go of his shirt" I said making him glare at me. Apparently, he took my threats as empty because he rose his fist and was about to smash it against Justin's jaw if I hadn't move fast enough to stand between him and Justin.

I grabbed Mason's collar and turned us around to smash his back against the locker harshly. He hissed and I scowled at him while he opened his eyes and glared at me making me smirk.

"I told you to leave him alone, Sanders. If you would have listened you wouldn't be the one against the locker while half school watches you struggle under my fists. What can you say about your reputation now? Can you say its as strong?" I spat.

"Let go of me you, son of a bi---" I slammed my fist on his stomach making him bend over in pain.

"You don't stand a chance against me, Mason and i'm telling you this in the friendliest way. So, please. Stay the fuck away from Justin and don't ever disrespect my mother like that, ever again because the both of them are better human beings than you will ever be" I hissed "Don't let me catch you with your filthy hands on him again, or you will deeply regret it. I'm not bluffing either" I let go of his shirt harshly making his back slam back against the locker again.

"You will regret this" I heard him say which only made me chuckle loudly and deeply at his empty threat.

"Let's see who regrets what first. Touch him again and we will find out. Mention my mother in a disrespectful way again and you will find out in an even harsher way" He scowled and walked away "All of you, back to where you belong before I tell the principal about this little number y'all pulled, bunch of cowards" They all walked away like rats and I turned to see Justin looking at me with a strange look.

I stared back at him until he grabbed his bag and walked away. I sighed and leaned against the locker closing my eyes tightly while my hands gripped my hair tightly.

Did he even know that was our last stare as mates?


Wattpad deleted the chapter I had ready to publish and it was longer than this one but at least i'm giving you something along the lines of what the past deleted chapter looked like. I was planning on not publishing shit, but i'm too nice.


Thank you madisonhugx for the amazing cover!

~ Eli

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