MREDW ~ Chapter 37

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Jason P.O.V

It was already 8AM the next morning and I was in the parking lot waiting for my boyfriend to pull up at school.

I was pretty chill about tonight's date. What I have planned is something special and I think Justin will like it. At least that's what I hope his impression is.

Looking up from my once again, I smiled as I saw his mom's car pulling up by the curve. Making sure my car was locked, I walked over to the parked car and opened the passenger's door for Justin with a smile on my face.

"Good morning, Ms. Mallette" I greeted bending down a bit to see her face.

"Good morning, Jason" She smiled "Have a great day at school you two. Bye Justin, I love you" I looked at Justin and his cheeks were a rosy pink causing my smile to widen.

"Bye mom, I love you too" With that, I closed her car door and stepped back while taking Justin's hand in mine to let her drive off "So" I heard Justin say next to me as I turned around to be face to face with him "Where is my good morning at?" He teased.

Letting go of his hand, I grabbed his face and brought his lips closer to mine before pressing our lips together. His small hands came in contacts with my sides as he grabbed them, my tongue asking for permission to slip in his mouth which he granted almost immediately. Roaming his insides, I growled quietly at the pleasure, bliss and sensation he brings me as he sucked in my bottom lip. With a last peck, he pulled away making me growl in annoyance. Perhaps I wasn't ready to let go just yet but I pushed that feelings back "Good morning, Tinjus" I whispered with my eyes still closed.

"Good morning, Sonjay" Fluttering my eyes open, I looked down at Justin's and almost got lost in them. His usual light brown/hazel/green/gold-ish/ deep brown eyes staring back at me with a glint I have yet to decipher.

Thinking I had cool eyes was a mistaken on my side because now looking at Justin's, I realize just how beautiful, mysterious and unique his eyes are. The feeling of never wanting to look away creepily overtaking my emotions.

"Did you hear me?" My mate's voice brought me back to reality causing me to blink a couple of times.

"Huh? What did you say?" He chuckled and got closer to me as he placed both of his hands on each side of my eyes blocking my side view.

"I said, you might want to push your wolf away because it wants to come out" Furrowing my brows, I lifted my vision and realized that everything looked sharper and clearer. Dammit. Looking back down at Justin, I smiled and leaned down again before pecking his lips four times. Pulling away, I slid my glasses on and stepped back before taking Justin's hand in mine.

"Let's get going, babe"

"It's truly beautiful, you know?" Looking down at him, I saw him already looking at me and I can't even start to describe how that feels like.

"What do you mean with that?"

"Your eyes. They are amazing. The way they change just like that I mean"

"They don't change just like that. They only change in two occasions" I explained.

"Which are?" He questioned.

"When I'm in wolf form or around you. Too close to you. Your smell makes my wolf want to come to the surface and when we're doing anything that involves touching" He looked at me with that little cute confused face of his melting my heart into a puddle of happiness which was increased when he replaced that confusion with a smile

"Well, I'm happy to be one of those causes. It's an honor to know I can make such an incredible myth feel that way"

"I'm not a myth. I'm pretty real if I do say so myself" He laughed and let go of my hand before walking backwards ahead of me.

"You sure feel like one because this feelings is foreign to humans' emotions" my heart skipped a hundred beats as those words came out his mouth.

"I love you" I said wholeheartedly.

"I love you too. See you in first period, Sonjay!" He exclaimed before turning around and running inside just as my group of friends approached me.

Tonight's date is going to be memorable.


Short ass chapter but I felt like updating sooo here it is.

Take this as a pre-chapter of the actual chapter which is their date. Kind of like we have pre-games before prom... Or was it just me?

- Eli

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