MREDW ~ Chapter 22

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Justin P.O.V

It was awkward. I mean, I could get used to how Jason was acting towards me. Growling at whoever dared look at me the wrong way. Kissing my cheek more often than necessary and holding my hand in the school hallway. I felt bad. Bad for rejecting him in the first place. Bad for treating him like shit. Bad for how I have made him feel. If I knew it was going to be like this from the start, I would have gotten myself a defensive werewolf way sooner.

My red eyed defensive werewolf.

"Hey, are you okay, Tinjus?" I looked over to my side to see Jason's curious stare on me. I smiled at him and nodded.

"I'm great" I mumble resting my head on his arm and squeezing his hand lightly. He hummed and kept walking towards the lunch room.

People always looked at us with neutral looks. One wrong look our way and Jason would be all over them. They experienced that ever since we came back to school a week ago.

Jason parked his car --seeming as he started picking me up once again-- and looked at me with soft eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, I'm happy that you accepted me and I don't give a damn if people know about us --even though we are not official--  or not. With me knowing is enough" He said, concern lacing his tone.

"The whole school already knows I'm gay, Jason and they know you're bisexual ever since that day all hell broke loose when Derek kissed you. So, honestly, I don't care what they think" He smiled brightly at me and put his sunglasses on before getting off of the car.

Here I thought, vampires were the fast one, but I seem to be proven wrong seeming as Jason opened the door for me even before I could start getting my backpack from the backseat. I smiled at him and got out. He closed the door and locked the car before grabbing my hand and walking towards the school. We walked inside and instantly people turned to us.

My Red Eyed Defensive Werewolf {BxB}Where stories live. Discover now