A Knife, a Mask, and Questions to Ask

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         They lay on the concrete floor staring at the moldy ceiling. Muttering to one another while lightly dragging their fingers on the ground, their hissing slips down the walls occasionally embedding themselves in a crack. The hallways remain empty, quiet, and dark. All that can be heard is the faint mumbling and drone of the hollow halls. Both girls begin twitching when the atmosphere thickens. The taller girl hisses to the other as a deep hum comes to life.
             "He's here." She pushes herself up, scrambling to her feet before taking off down the hall as quick as she can, shattering the intimidating atmosphere with her heavy footfalls. While a single generator brings the halls to life with creaking doors and buzzing lights, the other girl jumps onto her toes. She quickly creeps down the opposite hallway, approaching a railing down to the next level. She leaps over it, bouncing her knees while landing on the balls of her feet before weaving her way through the long hallways. The taller girls legs throb with excitement as she rushes through the empty corridors, using up the energy left pent up all this time. She runs out into a large open room, panting heavily as she avoids rusted barrels and steel crates. The smaller girl leaps off one cargo carrier, skidding on the dirty floor before following the other girl towards the entrance. A man towers over the crates, standing silently as the girls rush towards him. The faster girl doesn't break, instead she runs full force into the tall man; wrapping her arms around his waist. He holds his stance, gently reaching a boney hand to sit on her head and caress the hood of her sweatshirt. She squeezes him tightly, wispily giggling before pulling away and staring up at him. The shorter girl stands a few feet away, unnoticed by the other two and simply watching their embrace. She slips out of the shadows holding her hands behind her back; she stands before the man, bowing her head to him. He reaches his long arm towards her, placing a hand on her shoulder and returning her a pleased nod. The girls stand next to one another, all their attention on the giant before them. The three of them stare motionless at one another in complete silence, until the man tilts his head sideways and they give him nods of approval. The shorter girl leaves to turn off the generator, flicking the switch and dragging the halls back into its original form of a hollow maze. The other girl bumps her arm as the tall man reaches his hands onto their shoulders. A light buzz swipes through their ears, pulling them into a slight daze. The next moments become blank; no presets can be felt as the man disappears, taking both girls with him.


             "Gah, this place is so boring!" A pale young man throws his hands into the air before draping himself over the back of the large sofa.
             "Then go do chores, the halls don't vacuum themselves."  A different teen speaks in a matter of fact tone, running a gloved hand through his brown hair.
             "Chores are boring! Why don't you tell the elf to do his chores?" The teen pushes himself off the couch, pointing at another boy with his feet propped on the coffee table. The short blonde continues to play the handheld device in his grasp, sticking his tongue out.
             "Cause I'm not complaining about being bored, Mr. White-cheeks." The pale boy steals the pillow from behind the blonde's head, smashing it into the gamer's face.
             "Jeff, knock it off." The brunette sighs, elbowing the pale kid in the back.
             "Hey! Do you want some of this too you eyeless nerd?" Jeff grabs the brunette's shirt, pushing him against the wall.
             "Let go of me Jeff." The boy says in a monotone.
             "Do you?" Jeff inches closer to boy.
             "Let me go, Jeff." His voice gets darker, but still calm.
             "He's going to kick your ass, Jeff." The blonde chirps in, watching the scene unfold.
             "Shut-up, Ben! You're next!" The pale boy turns slightly to glare at the gamer on the couch. "Now, are you going to answer me or wha-" Jeff is cut off at the brunette jabs his hand into the pale boy's side. He cringes and the other boy pushes him hard. Jeff stumbles backwards, flipping over the couch; barely missing Ben, who stares with eyes wide.
             "Nice one, Jack!" He applauds the brunette, who begins to adjust his facemask.
             "I told you to let me go." He speaks with little emotion, but the taste of victory still sits on his tongue.
             "I warned him, too. You'd think he'd listen to at least one of us." Ben hisses a slippery laugh. Jeff growls pushing himself to his feet before stomping off down the hall. Once he's out of earshot, he begins to mutter to himself.
             "Stupid nerds. That blind doctor and his 'I'm cooler than you' tone." He kicks the wall, leaving a large dent the size of his foot. "Whatever! I don't need them. I'll hunt on my own." He pulls his foot away shoving both fists into the pockets of his sweatshirt, still growling to himself.

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