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(Jeff the Killer's POV)

Ben is going to die tonight, I will re-drown his ass and force his nerdy soul down to hell where there are no video games! I might as well turn around and burn every game disc he owns right now then just wait for him to come home and see the mess I've made of his precious toys. That's what happens if you run off with my knives, man! You better be ready for Jeffy, elf.

"Jeff!" Jack shouts behind me, I stomped out of the building without waiting for any rational planning. I just want to wring Ben's throat, there's no time to sit around and organize our thoughts. They may be hours ahead of us, and it hasn't even broken dawn yet. "Jeff! Damn it, where are you going?" Jack growls at me as I push through the trees.

"To the Elementary, that's where those two are headed." I scowl at the obvious. "No worries, I'll grab your mask and bring it back too." A snarky cough tails my words, and I start stomping the dark path through the tall grass.

"You idiot, you can't track worth shit." Jack hisses, grabbing the sleeve of my hoodie before pulling me more to the left than where I was walking. "They went this way."

"And how would you know that?" I smack his arm away, watching him continue in the direction he was dragging me.

"One, I found Mouthy over here when she first crawled from the abandoned school, and two, I can smell her blood. She's still all beaten and bandaged, no way she healed in one day." Jack glares at me with his empty eye sockets, giving a confident turn as he starts to trump through the brush. I swallow my pride and start off after him.

"Smell her?" I raise my brow questionably. "How animalistic are your senses?"

"Not as limited as yours are." Jack chuckles to himself. "And you forget, I was the one who stitched her leg up. The smell is still pretty fresh in my mind so I have no problem recognizing it."

"Part of that predator-package, I'll bet. I keep ignoring the fact that you're only a creep because of your 'gotta kill to eat, gotta eat to kill' thing." I walk behind Jack with heavy feet crushing the grass.

"Yea, and I'm not as careless or hot headed as the rest of you." The cannibal keeps walking in sharp zig-zagging turns around trees and bushes, looking at the ground for a flattened trail in the leaves. I snort at his comment, searching the bushes nearby for broken branches or slash marks from knives. Man I really want my knives.

"Ironic that neither of us want to be involved, yet here we are following willingly." Jack snickers, veering to the right suddenly.

"I'd say baited or bribed. Almost as though they stole our things for leverage or ransom." I follow close behind the brunette.

"He got you where it hurts, huh?" I can almost taste the tease in Jack's words. "Would you say it hurts like a knife?"

"Shut up, Eyeless. I'm surprised your social anxiety hasn't taken over yet, aren't you always embarrassed about you eye-sockets?" I snap back.

"Sometimes I wish I was blind, then I wouldn't have to see your ugly mug." Jack turns left, not giving me room to snap back as I stumble to keep up with him. "But I won't lie, I'm just as antsy as you to get our things back." Jack's voice echos off the trees and I'm force to trace the source and run to the brunette.

"Then let's quit bitch'n and start walking. The Elementary's not getting any closer with you trying to shake me off." I hiss, looking dead into his empty eye holes.

"I'm not trying to lose you, I'm trying to find where the trail starts. This is where she tried to have a grappling contest with the Rake, their scents are everywhere." The grey skinned man replies spinning his finger in the air to signal the area around us. He returns to circling the trees in strange unseen paths. Whatever, I can't understand what he's trying to do, so I start to look around like a lost idiot. One tree, another tree, three threes, several dozen more trees, bushes, and the occasional stump or log. I roll my eyes, catching a glimpse of black attached to the bark of a nearby tree. They blow lightly in the breeze as I approach, giving me the clues to recognize them as feathers. Three unnaturally long feathers are trapped under pieces of the bark, crimped and artificially dyed. I chuckle to myself, I know exactly where those came from. Reaching up to grab them, I imagine Laughing Jack's face if he saw me with these in my hair one day. No doubt in my mind, these are part of his clown costume, suppose to be sitting on his shoulders.

"Eyeless, look what I found." I chuckle. "Didn't Laughing and Mouthy get into a 'disagreement' around here too?" I mutter the last half to myself, turning around to be met with a far more interesting sight. On the tree across from the one that I found the feathers on, are deep claw mark covering the bottom four feet of the trunk. Dried blood, sap, and dirt surrounding each mark; the Rake did that, no doubt.

"What is it, Jeff?" Jack steps out of the bush next to me. I forget about the feathers, and point at the tree by flicking my head towards it. Jack gets the message and spots the claw marks instantly. "Whoa. It looks just as bad as the last time I was here."

"What happened?" I ask as Jack turns away.

"Here it is, this is the path they took." He starts to walk forward without acknowledging my question.

"Come on don't leave me with that..." I mumble dragging my feet behind him. He shoots me a look, cracking a grin that flashes his serrated teeth.

"I can't remember if you like running or not." He says.

"I don't."

"Good thing I'm not known for being kind." He smiles. "Keep up." He kicks off the leaves and rushes into the brush.

"Damn you..." I hiss as I follow suit. 

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