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(Eyeless Jack's POV)

I could've sworn that I heard desperation in the girl's voice. I can't recall a time when any proxy asked for help, they've always solved their problems on their own or with other proxies. Separating her from the one being she's spent everyday with is seriously eating her sanity; at least whatever she has left. Should we help her? Slender did order her to stay put, and she's no where near healed. "No." Jeff growls, not letting any other person speak. "We can't disappear without anyone knowing, not again. You've gotten us in plenty of trouble with every other killer under this roof. If you want to find your filthy bitch, go by yourself. Get ripped open by the Rake again for all I care! But I no longer want anything to do with you proxies." The bleached killer throws his hands down to his sides, lifting his shoulders as if expecting a fight from the grey proxy. Mouthy stares at him with her maskless face, her two grey eyes blaring into his lidless ones as his face heats with anger. "Jeff has a point." I start, pulling those emotionless eyes to myself. "The others are getting too curious. Hell, the clown already knows everything and he isn't known for keeping secrets. We can't draw anymore attention to you. And this little stunt with my mask was a bad idea too, Smiley. You say you don't want anything to do with them and yet you pull this stunt." I point my finger at Jeff. "I don't think there's any worse way to bring attention to yourself." "Oh god, it was a great idea! Jane totally bought it. In fact, if you let us barrow it again we could use it to get her out of this damn building and on her merry way." Jeff hisses. "Or she could just jump out the damn window again!"

"Jeff, shut your mouth for minute. She asked each of us." Ben sighs in annoyance, lifting himself in the air to lay in a comfortable position. He looks at Mouthy. "If you need another soul for your little trip, I'm game. Just tell me when you want to take off." Ben smiles as Mouthy looks up at him, her hood sliding off her head.

"There will be no taking off." I growl, watching the two of them flick their eyes to me. "Oh yea, why's that?" Ben teases, reaching a hand down to play with Mouthy's curls. I ignore him, turning to stare directly at her instead. "Kate and the others will be fine. Have you forgotten that they aren't injured and you are?" I ask, and Mouthy looks down at herself, her hands and leg twitching slightly. "You need to heal, and if Ben wants to help so badly, he can entertain you until Slender returns with Hoody and Masky." "No." Mouthy stops my rant with the blunt answer. She scowls at me, the dark rings under her eyes making her stare intense as she twists her voice deep and booming. "I will not sit on my ass like a damsel in distress while my comrades fight under false information." Her brow returns to normal as a higher sound weaves together her words. "My life is not my own, I fight with them, for them, and because of them. These scrapes mean nothing, and they mean everything. I go to the Elementary with or without you." Her voice ends in a hiss. But to my surprise Jeff chuckles. "How will you get to the Elementary if your locked in here?" His voice is malicious as he turns to the handle on the door, locking it. I raise my eyebrow at him and he sends me a sidelong glance. He does know that the unlocking mechanism is inside, right? She could definitely get out, without breaking a sweat.

"Jeff, you're a dumb-ass." Ben sighs, flying over the smiley killer's head and twisting the knob to be unlocked. He hangs upside down in front of the door with a smug grin painted on his lips. Jeff snarls at Ben for catching his bluff. Mouthy's hand lands on my shoulder as she walks up next to me.

"My mind is made up, no use in stopping me." Her voice is calm and feminine. Until those grey orbs once again land on Jeff. "You're getting involved. Thought you didn't want that." Another deep growl, exits her lips as she pushes past him and myself. Opening the door when Ben jumps away. "Where are you going?" I ask as she stands in the doorway. "You're lab, my mask is there." She pulls her hood up. "Don't worry, no one will notice me." Her voice is a whisper as she leaves the room and wanders down the hall; not waiting for us to say otherwise. "Well, that went south fast." Ben sighs bluntly, leaning against the wall. "If she leaves, are you going to follow her?" I ask the elf, receiving a shrug. "Haven't decided yet. Seriously considering it though." Ben mutters. "Don't do it." Jeff growls. "What's the point in getting dragged into that shit again. I still can't sleep well." "Like you could sleep well in the first place..." I mutter, as Ben laughs. "I don't know, I think these little puzzles are fun." The elf smiles. "And don't tell me what to do Jeff, my parents are as dead as yours, and I don't need another dad, thanks." "Not as fun as you'd think. And I know I'm not your Pops, Zelda." Jeff growls inching closer to Ben's face. The green clad boy flips off scar-face as I step between them. "Both of you shut your bitch-holes, and listen." I hiss. "Mouthy needs to stay here, we all need to stay here. We've just got to keep things quiet and make sure no one else gets curious. Sound good?" I ask, receiving no answer. "Sound good?" I repeat in a deep growl. Jeff rolls his eyes. "Fine, but you watch her. I want nothing to do with her." The bleached killer steps away from me. "Take your point out on red-eyes'." He points a finger to Ben. The elf lowers his brow. "I heard the man. I was waiting for your trap to shut." Ben replies. "Well?" I ask, staring at him as he cracks a huge grin. "Sounds reasonable, Doc. But I don't know if the temptation will entice me or not." He chuckles out, locking gaze with me. "Don't let it then." I hiss through my sharp teeth, smiling just as wide as he. "Now lets pretend this didn't happen and act exactly as we did five weeks ago." I give as a final comment. Turning out of the room, as I pull my mask over my face. One of Ben's quiet snickers reaches my ears before I turn the corner. "Oh ya. Of course."

- - -

The day came to a close about five hours ago, and I have been sleeping fine up until now. I look across the room to my desk to find the analogue clock on glowing a solid 3:25AM. Hearing a loud bang as I sit up groggily, I watch the door open and someone walk in. "Who the hell is it?" I growl deeply at the door, hearing it close with a slam. "Jeff. Guess who didn't listen to our argument earlier." Jeff growls as he forces his way into my room. I swear I locked that door before I fell asleep. "The elf crossed the line with this one." Jeff stomps around the room, growling deeply. "Are you going to tell me what happened or are you going to keep growling to yourself?" I hiss. "I wanted to go out and kill like I normally would, but in the drawer where my knives live was this, and no knives." Jeff tosses a note onto my lap, and I squint in the dark. The drawing of a heart is scribbled in the center, followed by 'BEN' in all capitals. "He took my knifes." "Did you check his room for them?" I ask, handing him back the note before standing up. "Oh ya. First place I checked, I even went to see if he was hiding in your lab with the ventriloquist. She's not here either." "She did say that she wasn't staying." I walk to my desk and hit the switch on my lamp to lighten up the dark room. "What did you expect would happen?" I question, reaching my hand over to grab my mask. My fingers scrap a piece of paper when they reach the space where I had left it before falling asleep. "Not this." Jeff growls. "And it looks like I'm not the only person they want to come and play their little game with them." I scowl as I open the note to see a heart followed by a scribble of Mouthy's mask and Ben's smug grin. "Really..." I sigh. "They took my mask."

"Cursed to be ignored, angered at the mockery. caution the shadows, incase you've missed Mouthy."All images and characters belong to their respectable owners.
Thank you.

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