Chapter 1

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Summer's End

Ava's POV

"Omg omg omg omg!!!" Said my best friend Sammi.
"I know" I say motioning for her to quiet down.
"It's sooo purple!!!" She says ignoring my request.
I can feel people start to stare at my newly purple hair, no thanks to Sam.
Sam starts gushing and I start to get worried that she might explode. I grab her firmly by the arm and march her away from the newly forming crowd standing and staring at us. Once we are outside she starts talking about my hair again. I just pull out my phone and start to head towards home while she continues on about my hair.
"It goes pretty well with your nose piercing!" She says.
"You look like such a rebel!"
"Are you even listening to me?!"
"What? No...."
After that we went on for a while in silence. We reached the front door and I pulled the key out from the visibly fake rock and unlocked the door. When we got inside I connected my phone to the wireless speaker and started playing music. My playlist consists of a lot of Fetty Wap and Flo Rida. I love the feeling of music. To me if feels like freedom. Sam gets on the hover board and rolls over to grab a snack for us from my fridge. My dad always likes to joke around saying things like..."So are we adopting her or what?" We would always just laugh and walk off. Today was our last day before college and my friend Quinn was planning a party at her house that by her words we were "required" to attend. Sam and I headed up to my room to pick out our outfits. I picked out a black sleeveless dress with a short leather red jacket and black black undone high tops. Sammy wore a pretty light pink summer dress to match her ginger hair and matching white sandals that laced up her ankles. We grabbed our phones and headed outside.
"Dude, this party is supposed to be awesome!" Sammi says.
"I know!" I exclaim "Quinn throws the best parties."
"True that"
We pull out of the driveway in my Audi. I got it for my 16th birthday. Quinn's driveway is packed but their is a spot reserved for her squad (us). We pull in and hop out of the car. From a distance her house looks like it's barfing rainbows with all the lights. Inside the house is packed with kids from our highschool who are starting to get a little drunk. A kid named Matt from my history class was standing on a table and swinging his shirt around above his head. Who knew he was such a party animal. I quickly spot Quinn wearing a lime green crop top and shorts that were clearly showing off her butt. She had definitely had a few drinks so far. She wobbled over to us and draped her arms over each of our shoulders.
"Hey guys!"
"Hey Quinn"
"Yeah that's kind of what we came here to do" I said laughing
"What can I get you guys?"
"Surprise me" Sam says
"Same here" I tell her
Together we guide her over to her bar set up and she prepares us drinks. Last thing I remember was the three of us jumping into her pool with our clothes and Sam started making out with some kid I couldn't make out through drunk eyes. When I woke up I was in Quinn's bed. I got up and realized I had been sleeping on top of my best friend.
I started shaking her.
"Whaaaaaat?" Quinn moans while grabbing her head.
"Where's Sammi?" I ask
"I have no idea"
I drag Quinn out of bed and she stands up wiping off her butt. Together we walk down the hall until we find an open door. I motion for Quinn to follow me into the room. She reluctantly obeys and what we see shocks us awake. I look to Quinn and then back at what I see and my jaw drops. Sam is there alright. But she is lying naked and intertwined with her crush from jr. year, AJ. She was head over heals in love with him but I didn't know she went this far.
"Yikes" says Quinn stepping over the clothes if the floor.
"I know..." I say following her.
"Damn it!!" I say looking at my watch.
"What?" She said.
"We only have three hours before we have to leave for college.
We quickly walk over and shake Sam awake. She groans and reaches for AJ.
"Great" Quinn said, "Now they're both up".
As soon as they wake up they start making out again. Quinn and I politely excuse ourselves from this messy situation.
"Blech." I say as we step out and close the door.
"Trust me. I was thinking the same thing" Quinn chuckles.
We send Sammi a text and start packing up to drive to college.

Sorry about the lack of warning. As per usual don't be shy and feel free to share your feedback. You guys are really awesome and I don't do this for the votes or reads but I really appreciate what you guys do. I would like to give a mention to Andrea_Samuel I want to thank you for the shoutouts and the help. Your books really helped me with my writers block. Hope you guys enjoy this story. Thanks so much for voting and commenting. You have no idea how much it means to me. Really. I will be updating at least once every week. I'm not really sure what specific days though. Bye for now.


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