Hold Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me

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"What the hell were you doing? Building a Terminator?" Aiden asked Stiles. 

We set his duffle bag down on the table in the basement, taking all the things out of it and taking count. So far, we've taken out a drill, some wiring, some rope, the hospital blue prints and not to mention some huge chain. 

Whatever Stiles, or Dark Stiles, was doing.. it didn't seem good. 

"Thank you for that." Stiles remarked, sarcasm hinted in his voice that let me know that he was still in there. That he was him.  

"Guys this is a map.." Scott informed us, spreading it out across the table to show us. 

There was a red line outlining one of the paths, and Ethan traced it with his fingers. "Isn't that the cross country trail?" Ethan asked. 

"Yeah, that's where we almost kicked your asses.." I smirked before moving my finger more up to stop on the point on the map that was next to "Look Out Point". "And that's the Tate car where Malia Tate's family died..." I looked up at Stiles and Scott. 

Stiles sighed. "you mean that's where her father put those steel-jawed traps." 

"Yeah, i think a chunk of my flesh is still behind." I laughed slightly before looking over at all of them, exchanging a look before my eyes landed on Stiles. "I think we know where evil you is going to strike next." 


We traveled as fast as we could to the trail where cross country does their running, remembering being there last semester. We spotted the school but then right next to the giant bolder, we spotted Coach Finstock sitting on it with his stop watch. 

Stiles brought the jeep to a quick stop, making me crash against the dashboard before me, him, and Aiden all fell out of his jeep as Scott got off his bike. 

"Coach!" Stiles yelled while stumbling to get over to Coach. 

"Stilinski? Whe..-" Coach questioned Stiles. 

"Coach, listen close..." Stiles tried telling Coach about how we needed to get everyone off the trails and now. Coach seemed surprised and confused but he still believed us. Which was kind of shocking but grateful. 

Stiles, Aiden, Coach, and I all ran towards the cross country team, trying to stop them before they got hurt or something. Scott and Ethan went to stop Danny and Kira from falling into any traps too. 

We ran all the way, spotting the group in the distance as Stiles started yelling for everyone to stop. 

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