Closer to the edge

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author's note: 

So there's a trigger warning for this chapter. I just want to let you guys know that even when it seems like there's no hope, there is. There is always going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. The light might seem like an illusion but it's not, the tunnel is. Every single time you wake up, you're a fighter. The real strength is not in muscle or not feeling pain, it's in feeling pain. It's in feeling pain and fighting when we feel like giving up. It's in finding hope where there seems to be none at all. 

Recently, there was a moment where it all became too much for me. I try not to cry because I think there's no point. I don't want others to worry about me, I'm kind of always holding it together for other people but I cracked. I fell off the wagon and I just cried. I felt like I was drowning and no one could hear me screaming for help. 

But a very good friend of mine reminded me that it always gets worse before it gets better. 

So I just want each and everyone of you to remember how special you are. There is no one else like you, you are an original so don't let anyone treat you like a knock off. You're all diamonds. 

Since this is a trigger warning, if you're a little unsteady of how you might react, don't read. I'll be more than happy to recount what happened after for you. I don't want any of you feeling unsteady. Also if anyone ever needs to talk, I'm more than happy to help or give some advice or if you even need someone to just listen to you. Feel free to inbox me. 


"Mommy..?" I shook my head. I didn't understand what the hell was going on. What was happening to me. "You're not-you're not real.." I held my head. "This can't be real..." 

"And why not? Because i'm dead or because you're the one who killed me..." Mom tilted her head towards me. 

I shook my head at her, trying to block out all the negative things she was saying and I was feeling right about now. "That's a lie...I didn't-I didn't kill you..." 

"Why not? Because you're not a monster? Oh no, you're different. And why is that little Savannah?" Mom questioned me as she held up my phone. Wait how the hell did she get that? I patted my pockets and realized I didn't have it anymore. She looked like she was scrolling through pictures as she showed me pictures of everyone I had on my phone. Ones of me and Stiles, ones of me and Isaac, me and Lydia, me and Scott, me and Allison, hell even me and Derek. "Why is that again sweetheart? Because the sickening love you have for these two idiot boys makes you more human?" Mom smirked at me as I shook my head.

"Get out of my head, you're not real." I shook my head at her, pushing past her to enter the hotel room. I grabbed the TV remote, turning off the TV before hearing her enter the room. I turned around and looked at her, she still looked exactly how I remembered she did. Still had brown curly locks, big brown eyes, and a scar above her right eye that I never questioned, but I kind of figured how she got it after finding out the truth about everything. 

"Savannah, look at yourself..." Mom tried getting me to listen to her before turning to the mirror hanging on the wall. She cooed me as I slowly turned, seeing my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were red, there was blood on my mouth, I was in my werewolf form. I looked like something out of a horror movie... "You're a monster..." 

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