The Upward Pull

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"...I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
     ~ Hebrews 13:5 KJV

A speed boat driver once described a harrowing racing accident in which his boat veered slightly, striking a wave at a perilous angle. The combined force of the boat's speed and the size and angle of the wave sent the boat flying into the air in a dangerous spin. The driver was thrown out of his seat anf propelled deep into the water—so deep, he had no idea which direction was "up". He had to remain calm and wait for the bouyancy of his life vest to begin pulling him toward the surface was. Then he swam quickly in that direction.

Life can put us in a tailspin at times, making us wonder which way is up? We can lose our sense of direction and the focus thay keeps us on course. How do we recover our bearings?

The answer may be as simple as that discovered by the speedboat driver: Stay calm and let the "upward pull" bring you to the surface. The upward pull in our lives is that which looks beyond our finite selves to the greater reality of God.

Our Heavenly Father never loses sight of us and never leaves us. As long as we remain aware of His presence and are sensitive to His "upward pull", we will always know which way is up!

  "Behind the dim unknown standeth, God within the shadow, Keeping watch above his own."

Goodday,chinggu! :)
Keepsafe! (●´∀`●)(。・ω・。)

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