Talent Scout

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"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by putting on of my hands."
2 Timothy 1:6 KJV

When you hear the word talent, you probably think of great musicians, actors, and artists. But this perspective of talent can make you feel untalented if you aren't gifted in any of these areas. Talents come in as many shapes and sizes as people do, and God has given each of us one or more.

Compassion is one of the not-so-obvious talents. Do you feel kindness toward someone in a troubling situation? Then, you have been given a talent! Use that feeling to offer a smile, a positive word, or write a note of encouragement to someone in need.

Do you like to bring joy to people who may otherwise feel forgotten or left out?
Then you are gifted!
Don't bury that talent- use it to brighten another person's day.

Perhaps you have the gift of seeing something good in every individual. That is a gift everyone needs to cultivate. Affirm the "good news" about them. It usually takes someone else to point out the best in people. You may see a talent in a person that he or she doesn't even know about.


Whatever gift you have, use it on the name of Jesus and for the glory of God. As you exercise your gift, you'll see it "grow" the same way muscle grows when it's exerted on regular basis.

Now, think again.
What talents do you have?

God does not require that each individual shall have capacity for everything.


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Love you guys!


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