Captive Thoughts

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I Thessalonians 4:3-5 KJV

It all began with a thought-harmless enough. But that thought led to another. Which became a second look. Which progressed to a minor indiscretion. Which gave birth to a lie. Which led to rationalization.

Turning away from God is like setting up a line of dominoes. A little dishonesty here. A white lie there. A secret habit off in the corner somewhere. One by one, each domino is placed right behind the other. All it takes is a little added pressure for the whole line to come tumbling down.

Other people can't see your every thought, but God knows them intimately. And if it all begins with a thought, it can end there as well. Willpower is useless.

God's power is the only answer. Ask Him to help you "take your thoughts captive" , as the apostle Paul said. With His Spirit living inside you, all things are possible!

What we think about when we are free
To think about what we will-
That is what we are or will soon become.


Hello everyone!
Have a nice day ahead.
Godbless! (≧∇≦)/

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