Knowledge Bank

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➕Philippians 3:8➕

   It's tempting to become a know-it-all. Knowing how to do something, how to fix something, or how to find something gives us a good feeling. We have all experienced the rewards associated with learning new skills and developing them to the best of our ability. We enjoy having others turn to us for answers. Much of our self-esteem is derived from what we know and what we can do.

   But there must be a balance. We must face the hard fact that we can never know everything there is to know about anything. We can never achieve perfection of skill to the point where we never make mistakes. In fact, the more we know about something, the more we realize how much we don't know. The more proficient our skills, the more we are aware that accidents happen, some days are "off" days, and everyone has a slump now and then.

   Some people become obsessed with their own perfection and potential, spending all their available time reading, studying, praticing, and taking courses.

  A wiser approach to life, however, is to spend more time knowing God. The more you know Him, the easier it is to trust Him; hear His voice; and show His love to your family, friends, neighbors, and classmates. You will learn the things you need to know in order to do His will. Nothing is as satisfying or meaningful as knowing God and serving others.

  Instead of trying to become a bank of information, become a channel of blessing!


Teach me, my God and King, in all things thee to see; and what I do in anything,
to do it as for thee!

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