Chapter 1

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The Lucky One

Harry’s POV

I folded up the little piece of paper that I will give to the lucky girl who catches my eye at tonight’s show.

“Harry don’t you think this is a little bit cruel?” Liam asked as I slid the note into the back pocket in my jeans.

“What’s cruel?” I asked acting dumb.

“The note, you know just root and boot, then move onto the next city and leave them.”

“Na, its not cruel, I give them the best night of their little teenage lives.”

“Might want to get off your high horse Styles you’re not that good,” Louis winked clapping me on the shoulder.

“Yeah like you’d know,” I rolled my eyes.

“I have eyes and ears everywhere Harry, anyways show time,” Lou jumped onto my back and I piggy backed him onto the stage, and that’s when I locked eyes with her.

Alex’s POV

I looked my hair and make-up over once more in the mirror before moving to looking over my outfit, I was wearing a really light and loose blue shirt that hung off of my boobs so you couldn’t notice my stomach that sticks out way further than it should, with denim shorts that stopped halfway between my thigh and knee, and my vans which were a shade of blue between royal blue and navy blue with a purple tinge to them, I had my hair up in a straightened high pony tail and light natural make-up just foundation, mascara and a light shape of lip gloss to make my lips look more pink. I did my usual stretching up onto my toes sucking in and standing straight then slouching and dropping back down and frowning at my body.

“Sarah, are you ready to go?” I knocked on her bedroom door.

“No, I still have to straighten my hair and do my make-up,” she said walking past me and into our shared bathroom.

“Are you kidding me? Just put it up and do your make-up on in the car otherwise it will take us ages to get in and we won’t find a park.”

“No, it will take me 2 minutes.”

“No it wont! I know you and if we don’t go now we wont make it on time.”

“Ugh, fine,” she sighed dramatically and taking her make-up bag out to the car. Once I was in the car I plugged my phone into the connecter I installed in the car and started playing One Direction, it seemed appropriate as we were going to their concert and would be seeing them live in a matter of hours, to say I was excited would be an understatement, Sarah and I drove in silence to her friend Isabella’s house, with extra caution I had only got me P’s today and this was my first time driving without dad with me.

Isabella got into the car and chatter and fangirling started between her and Sarah all the way until the boys came out onto stage. I screamed and laughed at Harry and Louis, and then I locked eyes with him and it was like I was the only girl in a room where thousands of girls were screaming his name screaming for him.

                The concert went on and I laughed danced took pictures I cried as well, but just in some moments in time I would find myself looking at Harry and not just at him but locking gazes with him for a few seconds.

When the boys were walking around the arena while singing Little Things I sang along, and I knew what was coming up, it was known and had become a sort of tradition you could say, Harry would sing his solo to a girl make her feel all special and then ask her to wait for him after the show and then he would take her back to the hotel sleep with her and it would be the best night of their lives so they have said, but its not for me, I’m more of a relationships girl not a random one night stand girl, if I had to be anything but the least appealing thought of all is that I would never want to lose my V card to a guy who would leave me in the morning. I was in such deep thought that I didn’t notice the girls in my bay screaming and before I knew what was happening I felt a hand on mine that had been resting on the barricade, I looked up to see Harry smiling at me and intensely holding my before he started singing. I loved Harry’s part of the song but I also hate it because every time I listen to it, it makes me cry. And tonight was no exception. I looked down at my feet and I felt harry let go of my hand and lift my chin up to look at him and he wiped my tears off of my face before kissing me on the cheek and slipping a piece of paper into my hand. Once the boys had walked away all the girls around me started screaming and telling me I was his next victim and all I could do was smile and nod.

“Well are you going to read that piece of paper in your hand or what?” my little sister asked once the show was over and we were just sitting down waiting for the arena to clear out a bit before we left.

“Yeah I was getting round to that,” I laughed opening it up and facing away from my sister and her friend reading it in my head first.

“Well what does it say?” Is asked impatiently.

“Wait for me after the show in your seat alone I will find you kiss kiss, then he put his signature at the bottom.”

“You’re in you’re going to have sex with Harry Styles,” Is joked and my sister pulled a face.

“It says alone so could you please wait out the front and I’ll just tell him that I can’t stay and that I have to take you guys home.

“But I wanna meet Harry,” Is whined.

“Well I’ll get his number for you,” I joked but they thought I was serious so they left. I waited in my seat I played candy crush while I waited trying to pass the same level I have been stuck on for months and when I ran out of lives I just sat and waited for Harry.

“Sorry it took so long, the fans were mental the decoy bus couldn’t leave,” I heard a deep husky voice say before he appeared on the stage.

“No, its fine I just wanted t-“ he cut me off.

“Do want to go now we can talk in the car get to know each other a little better.”

“I’m sorry I cant, I have to drive my little sister and her friend home,” I smiled and have him a tight hug, “bye Harry it was nice to meet you.”

“Yeah you too,” he mumbled quietly before letting go and I walked off.

“Wait!” he called when I was at the exit, and he ran off the stage with his phone in his hand, “could I possibly get your number? I want to get to know you.”

“Sure,” I said typing it in, “I’m so sorry Harry I really have to go now I don’t want my sister to get into trouble.”

“Yeah sure I’ll send you a text,” he waved as I walked out of the exit.

Harry’s POV

I watched her walk towards the exit and before I knew what I was doing I pulled my phone out of my pocket and got the new contact page up.

“Wait!” I called just before she reached the exit and I ran down to her, I have lost all control of what my body is doing and what my mouth is saying right now, “could I possibly get your number? I want to get to know you.” Really Harry could you sound like much more of a creep?

“Sure,” she said looking slightly scared but she took my phone and typed her name and number in while stared at her, she wasn’t skinny I could tell that but this time it didn’t bother me, she had dark brown her in a straight pony tail high on her head and a side fringe as well she had freckles across her nose and a spot on her chin that looked like dribbled chocolate milk but I know it couldn’t have been she looks like the type of girl to notice, but despite all the flaws I knew people looked at her for to me she truly was beautiful, “I’m so sorry Harry I really have to go now I don’t want my sister getting into trouble,” she broke me out of my train of thought and handed me back my phone.

“Yeah sure I’ll send you a text,” I waved as she walked out of the exit. Once she was gone I looked down at the phone eager to learn her name but all she had written was concert girl.

“You didn’t even give me your name,” I whispered to myself with a slight smile on my face.


Hey guys please let me know what you think I will finish this story off once I have finished writing little things if you are interested its on my page, anyways thanks for reading love you guys xxxxx <3

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