Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Harry’s POV

She loved me Alex loves me too, what’s even happening? I slipped up in court calling her my girlfriend and now she is my girlfriend and she loves me and I’m soaking wet in the bath, I fell in the bath still in my shirt and pants and shoes, but I didn’t care I was here with Alex and she was mine.

“Harry, we should get out, your lips are blue,” Alex said pecking my lips.

“Why? This keeps them pretty warm,” and I leant in and kissed her again.

“Yeah but the bath water is cold and I’m naked,” she said pulling her legs up to her chest.

“Really I didn’t notice,” I winked looking down at her shaking frame in the water, and decided I should get out, I stepped out and pulled the plug and stripping out of my soaking clothes and dropping them on the bathroom floor and wrapping a towel around my waist, and looked at Alex who was still sitting in the now empty bath looking absentmindedly at my bare chest, “you gonna get out?” I asked and she shook her head playfully.

“You can get me out if you want,” she joked and I shrugged picking up a towel and throwing it around her to keep her warm and picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room, “oi my rooms that way,” she yelped banging on my chest and I chuckled dropping her onto my bed and throwing my clothes at her and then putting a dry pair of trackies on and grabbed the disinfectant and gloves and dressings going over to Alex who swept her hair to the side and groaned.

“The disinfectant is going to be cold,” I warned her like I did every time and she groaned most likely rolling her eyes.

“You know I have my own clothes right?” Alex asked pulling my jumper on and it went right down her leg stopping mid-thigh.

“Yeah I know, but I like you in my clothes,” I said wrapping my arms around her waist resting my chin on her head.

“Don’t hurt me Harry please,” she said out of the blue breaking the silence.

“I won’t Alex I could never hurt you, I love you way too much,” I said turning her around.

“I love you too,” she said wrapping her arms around my waist burying her face in my chest and kissed the top of her head and rubbed circles soothingly into her back, and after not long Alex let out a huge yawn.

“How about bed babe, its been a big day,” I smiled looking down at her.

“Yeah okay Haz, I’ll see you in the morning,” she smiled pecking me on the lips but I caught her waist.

“Where are you going?” I asked pulling her back to me.

“To bed,” she shrugged hugging me again.

“No, stay here I want to protect you.”

“Okay,” she said through a yawn.

I woke up and stretched expecting to feel Alex next to me but the spot where she had slept last night was stone cold and I got up confused and wandered into her room she wasn’t there, I knocked on the door to the bathroom she wasn’t there either.

“I’m in here Harry,” I heard her small voice say from the kitchen but she was standing leaning against the bench staring off into space a mug with steam pouring out the top and she was completely ready to go wearing a royal blue loose fitting top which had ruffles under her boobs emphasizing them, black skinny pants, a black shrug cardigan and brown almost black peep-toe heels which wouldn’t have been higher than 2 maybe 3 inches.

“You’re all ready to go?” I asked leaning on the counter next to her.

“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep,” she sighed taking a sip of her coffee.

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