Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Harry’s POV

‘What are you up to today? – H xxx’ I sent a text to Alex it had felt like ages since we text but really I had been texting her on Friday and it was now late Sunday morning, and she was here till about 3 yesterday afternoon, but I had a feeling that she would already be busy.

‘Already made plans for now sorry Haz catch up later maybe? – A xxx’ and I groaned thinking about who I could hang out with to avoid doing a huge spring clean on my apartment.

‘What? You have plans with people? – H xxx’ I replied sarcastically before mentally checking off people in my head. Louis? Nope he was going shopping surprise, surprise. Niall? Nope he was going out for lunch with Liam because Liam was moping because he didn’t know whether to ask Phoenix out or not and he felt bad for having sex with her on Friday night, so I guess that rules Liam out as well. Zayn? No he was picking Perrie up from the airport she had a couple of days off on her Australian tour before they came to Adelaide the other girls were going up the Gold Coast but Perrie was coming down here for obvious reasons. I guess I would be spring cleaning after all before my mum comes here with Holly and Robin, which meant I would have to stash everything of Alex’s in my room anyway.

Alex’s POV

I rolled over and groaned as my phone vibrated saying they I had a text, I knew I had to get up soon although I just wanted to sleep all day I had stayed up studying for 12 hours and seeing as I got home from dropping Phe home at 5. I checked my phone expecting it to be a text from Riley my dad had threatened to hurt me worse than I’ve ever been hurt before by him before if I didn’t fix things with him as soon as possible so I text Riley right away saying we needed to fix things today. But no it was a text from Harry.

‘What are you up to today? – H xxx’ I groaned I so wanted to see Harry but I couldn’t otherwise I would get hurt, I knew I could go to Harry, but I would still rather not get hurt.

‘Already made plans for now sorry Haz catch up later maybe? – A xxx’ I sighed when Riley text me.

‘Coffee in the city? – R’ there were no kisses, and it hurt me a bit Riley was the only friend who I had in my life since the day I was born and to not have had him these past few months really sucked and I needed to fix this.

‘Yeah, I’ll be ready in half an hour – A xx’ I sent 2 kisses even though I wouldn’t get any in return. I turned around to head for the shower.

“What are you doing today?” my father asked me in a warning tone.

“Going to see Riley in town for coffee,” I said waiting for him to walk away so I didn’t turn my back on him and give him a reason to hurt me.

“Bring him in here afterwards so I know you’re not lying to me,” he said still using the scary warning voice, the nice dad over Christmas long gone.

“Yes sir, I will,” I nodded and he nodded and walked away and I continued into the shower. Washing my hair and just leaving it knowing there was no chance I would get to see Harry today, my dad had pulled the ropes too tight today I wouldn’t get away with anything. I put on a big baby pink knitted sweater that stopped mid-thigh and black skinny jeans, because I knew Riley hated it when girls wore leggings out in public, I have no idea why he just does. I put my makeup on just concealer on the cuts, bruises and scars on my face thankful that the bruises had faded to a yellow. A light mascara and strawberry lip balm to add some colour to my face so I didn’t look so washed out. I heard a beep out the front and I grabbed my purse and phone and checked it as I walked out the door, there was a text from Harry.

‘What you have plans? With people? – H xxx’ I smiled typing a quick reply.

‘Nope with aliens ;) haha – A xxx’ I smiled at my reply and smiled as Riley got out of his car and I ran up to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

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