Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Alex’s POV

I was woken by the hot morning sun on my face like it was burning my skin and I sat bolt upright remembering where I was. I looked around slightly disorientated and saw a mop of curly brown hair and remembered that Harry had come to see me and smiled down at him with his arm still out where it had been wrapped around me, and his other hand resting on his chest and I watched as it moved up and down. I looked out at the ocean and decided I should wake Harry up before he could get burnt, if he had the pale English skin like I did that burnt so easily.

“Harry,” I whispered quietly, he didn’t move, “Harry,” I said a little louder poking him slightly in the sides but he still didn’t budge, being impatient and loud I rested on my elbow and got real close to his ear and took a deep breath, “WAKE UP!!” I yelled poking and tickling him until he reacted.

“Would you shut up! I have a fucking hangover,” he said shutting his eyes even tighter.

“You softie,” I laughed continuing to poke him.

“How do you not have a hangover?” he asked sitting up and holding his head in his hands.

“I don’t get hangovers, although I don’t remember anything after you fell into the water, do you remember anything after that?” I said rubbing my temples hoping some memory will come back, but nothing.

“How lucky of you,” he said sarcastically, “but na nothing after falling into the water, what time is it anyway?” he asked feeling around for his phone.

“Ummm, it’s 6:30,” I shrugged putting my phone back into my bra.

“What at night?” Harry asked confused squinting into the sunlight.

“No, morning,” I yawned standing up knowing the fishermen would be back on the jetty soon.

“Jesus, why are we awake?” he asked pulling me back down onto the jetty.

“Because I am nowhere near drunk enough to sleep on the jetty anymore.

“That’s a fair point this thing is really uncomfortable,” he said sitting back and taking me with him.

“C’mon lets get all packed up,” I said standing up full of energy.

“Yeah I guess what’s even left in the cooler?” he asked slowly standing up.

“Ummmm… a lot of empty bottles, quarter a bottle of vodka and 2 cans coke,” I said grabbing both cans of coke and closing the lid.

“Shit did we drink all of that?” He asked catching the can of coke.

“Not all, there was quarter a bottle of vodka left,” I said opening my can and taking a long drink.

“Good point,” he said removing the can from his lips, “what are you doing today?”

“Spending the day on the beach playing cricket and then blue line fishing until the water gets too deep and neither Phoenix or I can fish safely,” I said walking down the jetty with Harry’s towel while he rolled the esky along the jetty. I scanned the beach looking for Riley or Phe but I didn’t see either of them sleeping on the beach so I just assumed they had walked home last night seeing as I had Riley’s car keys, I pulled them out and headed to Riley’s blue ute.

“This yours?” Harry asked when we arrived at the car.

“No, my car is a little tiny thing this is Riley’s but I was keeper of the keys,” I said pressing the button to unlock the car, “Harry, how did you even get here?”

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