Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Alex’s POV

I was pretending to concentrate in biology, but really I was blasting Midnight Memories and I think my bio teacher had heard me multiple times but I don’t think he really cared, I was also checking the footy (Australian) scores while texting Niall, his team was playing mine and we were losing with 30 seconds to go.

“You fucking suck Carlton!” I yelled forgetting I was in class and the whole class turned to look at me.

“Alex, are you checking the footy scores in my class?” My teacher asked walking over.

“Nooooo,” I said sarcastically avoiding eye contact with the teacher.

“Alex, c’mon you know you can’t use that in here hand it over,” he said holding his hand out for my phone.

“No, c’mon that rule is for like year 8’s,” I said hiding my phone in my top so he wouldn’t grab it from me.

“No Alex, that rule is for everyone,” he said rolling his eyes the rest of the class had gone back to working except for Phe who was sitting next to me snickering.

“C’mon sir you so want to know the football score,” I smiled sweetly pulling my phone out again.

“Okay what was it?” he asked sitting next to me.

“Hawthorn 118 Carlton 50, Carlton didn’t score at all in the first quarter they were playing catch up the whole game and they didn’t score in the third quarter either, they are useless,”  I said getting really flustered and my teacher just sat there chuckling, “don’t tell me you tipped Hawthorn?”

“Course I did, Carlton stood no chance,” he said and heard Phe groan knowing we would get in a full blown conversation about football.

“But Hawthorn lost Buddy,” I said turning to face him.

“Yeah but they’re at their strongest they’ve ever been, just come off a premiership,” he said turning his body to face me as well, this would have been weird if it was any other teacher but seeing as it was Mr. Z and he was only 25 this sort of passionate conversation with him happened with almost every student in the class.

“Yeah whatever you say sir, just wait till the real season starts next month,” I rolled my eyes turning back to my text book.

“We shall see, I just don’t want to see that phone again okay?” he asked getting up and walking back to the front of the class again.

“Yeah, yeah whatever we’ll have this discussion again,” I smiled across the room and he just smirked.

“Once a week I recall,” he said going back to his marking book.

“Only you could get away with that in here,” Phe smirked and I looked down at my phone that had a text from Niall flashing on the screen.

‘Suck shit my team over yours! Carn the Hawks!!!!’ reminding me that I couldn’t go home tonight.

“Yeah probably but he won’t reach down your top to grab your phone either,” I shrugged.

“No he wouldn’t,” she smiled.

“Yeah but can I sleep at yours tonight?” I asked sounding a bit more desperate than I would have liked.

“I’m sorry but I’m trying to you know with Liam soon,” she said in a hushed voice, Liam hadn’t announced that he was with Phe yet she told him that she wanted to wait a month to know they would last this time.

“No it’s fine,” I said quietly.

“What about Riley’s or Harry’s I’m sure either of them would love to have you,” she said sadly I think she felt bad for blowing me off but I didn’t blame her.

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