Night Out

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taurts p.o.v

"cool!" sam and grian said at the same time."thank you" (y/n) said."im bored i want to do something!" i said."were to then?""can we go to the place near the school""sure im hungry anyway" we walked out and i felt a hand holding mine i looked over and it was (y/n) the most cutest thing ever im going to this place because i know its karroke night tonight im going to sing to her and ask her out. we arrived and got a table we saw a lot of people there i was scared to sing now. "so who want to sing first?" pufferfishpete asked i raised my hand and walked up to the stage (play song)

you would not beleive youre eyes if ten million fireflies lit up the world as i fell asleep
cause they fill the open air and leave tardrops everywere youd think me rude but id just
stand and stare id like to make my self belive that planet earth turns slowly its hard to
say that id rather stay awake while im asleep cuz everthing is never as it seems

(Time skip till after song because i dont have time for this and im lazy)

"thank you i just want to say this song goes out to my new friend (y/n)" everyone starts clapping and i walk off stage. "wow that was i dont have words!" (y/n) hugged me tightly and i hugged back."thank you but (y/n) i have a quistion for you""okay lay it on me""well i have been thinking a lot about asking you..""just ask""well i was wndering if you would like to go out with me?"

sams p.o.v didnt see this coming did you?

taurtis went to ask (y/n) a quistion please dont be to go out with her because i love her more than anything shes perfect shes just like me she has ears and a tail and shes sweet and cute shes just perfect i cant let taurtis have her! "grian?""yeah?""can you save my spot ima go spy on them okay?""sure sammy""dont call me that!""okay" i went to them i herd taurtis ask her out she didnt give an answer shes just standing there "i dont know taurtis i guess so why not?""thank you so much!" taurtis gave a hug i ran back to the seat and covered my face tears were streaming down my face i tried to stop i did and grian was comforting me."thank you grian""youre welcome" he gave me a hug and taurtis came back with (y/n) i was not crying and put on a fake smile hope they dont notice. "oh sam guess what?""what?""i just asked (y/n) out and she said yes!""n-nice look we need to go can we?""sure and why are youre ears so low you okay?""yeah i-im fine! lets go!" i yelled i grabbed grians hand and ran out taurtis was following with (y/n) hand in his i was so sad and angry i wish he would just leave her alone! we got home."im going to bed""me too"grian gave me a smile i know that smile wait does he like me? oh gord no please no i dont want to hurt his tiny heart."okay well good night taurtis good night (y/n)""good night" they said and i went to my bed grian decided to snuggle with me.he went up agianst my chest i let it happen and i feel asleep.

taurtis p.o.v

im so happy she said yes the girl i just meet said yes i love her so much! "so taurtis what you want to do?""i dont know what you want to do?""im tired so maybe we should join them sleeping""okay do you want to sleep in my bed?""sure""okay then goodnight" i laid on the bed she picked me up and laid me on my bed."im not sleeping alone""okay good night then" she snuggeld up next to me and i put a arm around her i fell asleep.

your p.o.v

i woke up to a sleeping taurtis behind me i got up carefully and went to make break feast."morning" i herd sam "oh good morning sam" sam started to get close to close to my liking he put his hands on my waist he went to far i gor out of his grip."sam stop you know im with taurts""i know" he said right in frount of the the bedroom door. sam turned me around and looked at me he kissed me. i melted into the kiss he licked my bottom lip for an entrace i did not except."w-what (y/n) i thought you loved m-me i guess i was wrong" i pulled away to see taurtis crying."its not what it lookes like i swear!""yeah right! were done i guess everthing last night ment nothing!""it did i love you!""not as much as sam aparently!" he ran out the apartment."thanks sam for that were through now!" i cryied for hours i couldnt stop thinking about taurtis i hate this i hate it! thanks sam i hate you now i thought you were the nice one too.....

A/N thanks for reading hopefully i can get done another chapter if not im going to be working on my other story because i havent updated that in forever! but for now see you!

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