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"In order to get out of a predicament, you must use a level of thinking higher than that of which got you into the predicament in the first place."

-Albert Einstein


Darkness descended upon the two shadows duelling in the court yard, flashes of greens and reds repeatedly flew back and fourth attempting to hit their marks.

Within the walls of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry you could hear the distance shrieking of a young girl no more then seventeen, sobbing for the fiery haired boy's motionless body laying on the cold marble floor

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Within the walls of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry you could hear the distance shrieking of a young girl no more then seventeen, sobbing for the fiery haired boy's motionless body laying on the cold marble floor. Ron Weasley had sacrificed his own life for poor Hermione Granger. Fortunately for Hermione, Neville Longbottom had arrived in time to decapitate the slithering reptile. But he was not quick enough to save Ron, who had jumped in front of the snake attempting to shield Hermione.

He had been bitten and killed instantly, it was a quick death and such a heroic action, he would be remembered. Especially by Hermione, she would never be able to forget that moment.

Neville laid an innocent hand on her shoulder as she watched Ron's body. He was so still, sweat drenched his fiery matted hair and his face was drained of blood. She would never had predicted that he would be the one to go, to die before her.

"Come on Hermione Professor McGonagall would like to see you." Neville urged the stricken pale girl.

She didn't speak immediately but when she did it came out vengeful, determined. "Let's go."

Neville nodded timidly and led her down the destroyed halls quickly, Hermione looked at Ron's body one last time before following the lad. "It's time isn't?" She asked when she realised where they were headed, the headmaster's office.

Neville simply nodded "Lemon drops." He whispered the password. He looked back and fourth before he stepped into the office, Professor McGonogall stood before them with her wand pointed towards them. Her features relaxed as she sighed and lowered the wand.

"It's time Hermione." She replied staring at the duo with a solemn face.

"I know. How many times would I need to turn it." Hermione asked taking off the time turner from her neck, fortunately she had put a concealment spell on it. None of the Death eaters she had confronted had even known she carried it.

"Fifty four times will do the trick, Albus has told you what to do when this day came I presume."

"Yes." She whispered and stared at the device in her hands. "I need to go back to 1944 and prevent Voldemort aka Tom Riddle from rising." She remembered the day when Dumbledore had brought her to his office to tell her of the mission. She had bluntly and rudely refused but eventually she had realised that it she did not accept, their was a possibility that Harry would perish.

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