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AN: sorry its another short chapter. I hurt but I'm trying. My brain keeps forgetting what I was going to write and I feel like this is a poor second attempt at what I wanted. Oh well I will more than likely change a lot when I edit everything and repost them. Anyways sorry for whining, love y'all and thank you once again for your patience. -Aya

*Eleanor's pov*

I woke up to the sound of the ocean. The swaying of the movement and the utter confusion and where I was and what was going on. At least I had felt something similar to this before. I sat up and tried to orientate myself but the constant swaying of whatever I was on was making me nauseous. Or whatever happened to me was doing that. I don't know, all I do know is that this bucket is going to get whatever the last thing I ate was in it.

When I was done vomiting, the door opened and Merlin entered. "I'm glad your awake it's been several weeks and I was beginning to wonder if you were unable to wake up because of you recent losses."

"Losses?" I stuttered confused.

"Eleanor, my dear what is the last thing you remember?" Merlin said with a strange tone in his voice.

"I remember... I..." I looked up at Merlin, when I tried to think about anything I was stunned by a painful headache.

"You remember?" Merlin asked. "Do you know me?"

"Your Merlin, and I am..." I said before stopping, who was I?

Merlin sighed, "Eleanor, please tell me you at least know your name?"

"Eleanor" I said what I could only assume was my name, and thought about it, it seemed right. My name, who I was. Am. I don't know how I could have forgot something so instrumental. My very core, the center of everything that I am. The name, is a powerful tool. Every magician knew this, they have their hidden, the truth is that knowing a name means you can control something. If you know it's true name.

I looked at Merlin and while I thought of my name I remembered the man over the last few years that used to call it. My son who called me mommy. All the happy memories that were right there for the taking. And then the worst memories. The death, carnage and disease. I was stunned that I could forget as tears streamed down my face. I forgot my family. My loves the thing for so many years that brought my joy and filled me with warmth. I hated myself in that moment for not knowing.

Merlin sat next to me, "I'm sorry but you were dying so I took the pain away from you for a while so your body would heal. You were dying of a broken heart and I couldn't allow that You deserve so much more.

I looked at him. "You did what?"

He cringed and in that instant I sighed and laid back down. I couldn't deal with this right now and all I wanted was to die. I didn't want to be here anymore. Not without my family, my son, my love.


I sat and watched the ocean roll back and forth onto the sea shore. I was numb as could be imagined but through it all, I was happy that I was still here. It hurt but tomorrow gave me a chance to go back. I had talked to Merlin about going back but I never thought that he would already have a spell for it. That this was his plan all along was to send me home. Even though now I was so old I couldn't imagine living with the people who used to know me. Their lives have moved on without me and it should have its been years and I'm not the child who was in that car all those years ago. I am a woman who has lived and fought, loved and lost. I didn't even know what I would do in that world. It seemed so alien and foreign.

So I sat and watched the waves wondering about all of this as Merlin settled things with the traders we had rode with. I was a Queen no more, just a traveling vagabond.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now