Merlin's Return

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I woke up to the normal duty of taking care of Uther again. I was luck that Arthur right now still felt bad and didn't want to see me. As well Alden was helping me care for Uther since his wound had gotten worse.

The worse new came that night when we found out that Merlin was being sent away in an errand for Arthur. To the front line, Merlin was going to tell them that Arthur himself would be joining them once he had finished getting his personal knights in order. I was surprised to hear that Arthur who came back to the castle because of the illness of King Uther would now be leaving before he is well.

Me and Alden had a week without Merlin. During this week Morgan le Fay visited my room and talked with me and Alden nearly every day. The time she come was normally times when Arthur wouldn't be with his soldiers. Not that she avoided him completely and while me and Alden wouldn't talk about it but her face showed what had happened. On these days she was quieter than normal and wouldn't interact with with us as much but me and Alden tried to make her live easier.

The week past slowly but finally when Arthur returned he brought with him a soldier that he had found on the front lines who had lost his company and Merlin decided to bring him back with him to the castle. I didn't see him the at all when I ran across the courtyard stones to greet Merlin. I ran straight to his arms and gave him a big hug, I was so excited to see him that I had forgotten my station.

After me and Merlin let go, Alden pulled me away and filled in Merlin on the details that needed to be told to him, that could be said in front of everyone else. The first question he asked was how was Uther's condition.

"Better Merlin. The King is in recovery but he still has a long way to go the smoke that infected his lungs is slow to remove itself and I haven't told Arthur this but I'm not sure if he can fully recover from it." Alden answered.

"I see. I'll tell Arthur. By the way this is Balin he is a soldier and will depart with Arthur when he goes to the front lines of the war." Merlin said before turning briefly to me and leaving.

Balin was a smithy that was working on the front lines forging weapons and fixing the broken ones. He was wanting to come to the castle to ask for more supplies to be brought to the battle lines so he can make and fix the weapons in a better way. It was all very technical and I didn't quite understand it. Balin was short with straight black hair and brown eyes, he was big and muscular but had an extra layer of fat on him which looked like it was probably genetic. All in all he wasn't bad looking and when he saw me checking him out he winked at me causing me to turn away from him and focus on Alden who was tending to Merlin's horse, Mattie.

Arthur came out of the castle next followed closely by Morgan le Fay who had that look on her face. Arthur walked straight up to Balin and listened to his request quickly and told him that he would consider it and that he should stay in the castle until the knights were ready to depart. Balin to Arthur up on the Arthur and stayed in a guest chamber and assigned Merlin to take care of him on top of all of his other duties.

I waited until Arthur and Merlin were with Alden checking on King Utherrs condition to go and talk to Morgan le Fay. I found her in a room that they called the study but to anyone of my time it would have been called a library. She was sitting in the corner, not reading, trying to look as if she was part of the decor, she was doing a very good job of it. If I hadn't had known what she was wearing I would have missed her completely.

"Hey. There you are, are you ok?" I asked.

"I spent the morning vomiting. When Arthur came to see me he decided to take me while I was in the bathroom since I wasn't unfit to lay in the bed, as he worded it. But I couldn't help it I was vomiting. I don't feel good." She said slowly while she leaned further into the coach she was sitting on.

I felt her forehead and she wasn't running a fever, "will you come down stairs? Alden would be better equip to check you out and I'm worried about you. You really look horrid not that I'm trying to put you down." I said.

She laughed a weak laugh, "I know I look horrible but it better he do what he will wig me and not Morgawse."

I nodded, "please come with me now."

I got her onto her unsteady feet and walked with her down to the chambers I shared with Merlin and Alden to find it empty as expected. I sat Morgan le Fay down on the same bench that I let her sleep on before and told her that I would be back and for her not to move.

I moved swiftly once Morgan le Fay was detached from me and headed to the Kings chambers. There I found the man I was looking for, Alden, I touched his shoulder and whispered, "at your earliest convince I need you to go back down to our room and check on Morgan le Fay. I'm scared that she has a condition that will shake the Pendragon family forever."

Alden turned and looked at me before nodding and saying, "I'll do my best as soon as I can leave here."

I nodded back and turned to Arthur who was watching me like he always did when w were in the same room together. I decided to send him a message so I walked to Merlin and whispered in his ear, "I'm really glad you home. We have a lot to talk about later."

Merlin nodded at me with a smile and I turned to leave without giving Arthur another glance. I headed back down stairs and was happy to find that Morgan le Fay was still where I had left her. I busied myself making her some tea that is good for nausea, camomile, and getting her a cold compress for her head. I also decided to grind some herbs that I knew was rich with vitamins that would help her retain her strength.

I felt sorry for the girl. She had a long hard road ahead of her if I'm right about what is wrong with her. When Merlin and Alden came back down stairs Alden checked her out and my fears were confirmed.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now