: two :

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Sorry you guys I got grounded and had my laptop taken away. So most of my stories will take time since I'll be trying to write in my Samsung let's see how that works but I will try and post. And if I do please I'm sorry for the typos and the no make sense sentences keep in mind this is all by phone so don't kill me... anyway thanks and hope you like the chapter.


Caim had been grabbing me way too tight by the arm for the past hour as we walked through the crowded streets of a city I know nothing of. Ever since we stepped out of department store I haven't spoken nor he has uttered a word to me.

But the mere contact of his skin on mine was a silent demand for me to not try to escape. In all due honesty the idea of escape would not be wise of me for the moment. I had no documentation of who I am not, and I don't see anything familiar of these streets. 

The weather outside was warm but not hot enough for sweat to appear on anyone. And there was no sign of heavy humidity so it must be the beginning of spring or somewhere along those seasons.

I feel a sudden tug and we're walking inside an abandoned church looking building.

"I thought you were a demon?" I whispered under my breath only for him to respond with a chuckle.

"Makes you wonder how powerful I am right?" He pushes me inside the doors creaking as a gust of cold wind hit my face. I could feel goosebumps start to rise on my skin, and that sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach was coming back. The walls around me started to cave in slowly and the feeling of running away and screaming was bubbling up.

Without me thinking I had turned on my heels trying to flee when his hold all of a sudden disappeared from holding from the doors and wrapped his arms around my slim waist. In a swift yet controlled motion I was tossed over his shoulders. And inside the church premises without giving me a chance to yell or cry out for help.

I tried struggling the best that I could, smacking his shoulder and squirming under his grasp.

"Really you're big plan was to run?" There was once again mock in his tone and it absolutely frustrated me.

"It's better than to just be here not doing anything while you I don't know! Kill me!" I curse and just don't stop moving around until finally he let's me fall down onto the wooden floor next to the offering table. I look back and see the nicely well designed sculpture of Jesus Christ and his cross. For it being day outside it was quite dark inside this church.

"I'm curious why do you think I'm here to kill you?" He placed his foot right next to me, making me turn around and look at him once more.

I sat up and tried to crawl away but hit the damn offering table.

"Well aren't you? Why on earth did you save me back there?" My tone was tough and tried be brave even if it was up against a demon.

"You know what I find interesting about you? You managed to walk over a demonic circle and aren't phased by angelic runes." He said ignoring me completely as his soft green eyes looked from my face to the sculpture of Jesus.

"You might not realize this but right now you're the toy that everyone wants to play. Especially in how magnificently rare you are." He reached over to gently run his fingers through my long brown hair, my eyes darting from his to his hand.

"I don't see to follow." I said my voice a bit heavy of the nerves that were tied in my throat. 

"That means that whatever is making you live, you know whatever is making you wake up every other few years. It's not demonic and it's not angelic. Meaning there's something else out there that can make you you." His rationality was making a bit of sense, just a bit.

"So what would your reason be to take me? Want to cut me open and see what makes me tick?" Fear was clearly coated in my words, but it was not my fault. I want to live I've been wandering this earth for ages in order to meet him once more.

"Actually no, I am not going to dissect you and play operation with your body. It's quite sick don't you think. Once your existence was known to both the angels and the demons you were searched through land and sea. You see heaven wants to make more of you, statues that are neither holly or demonic and can walk into the pretty gates of heaven with no problem at all." He pulled away walking down the three steps to sit down on the dusty old bench.

"And heaven?" I stammered.

He cocked his head at me and arched his eyebrow,giving me the really look.

"What would an archangel do if it found out there's a way for demons to walk into their territory and claim war once more on their land? Not to mention how you yourself are just an artificial life. You're not seen as a creation of God." He lifted his hand up and tucked in his pinky and ring finger in, while he pointed at me with his index and middle finger. Making a gun gesture at me while he makes the bang noise.

"You're wanted dead or alive. Now who knew that Bon Jovi could be a very good theme song for your life right now."His mocking laugh was quite frankly getting to my last nerves. I scrambled up to my feet and stomped down the steps standing right in front of him.

"Then why did you take me? If you're a demon, then you work under whoever is in charge of hell and turned me in." 

"Why did you fight against a comrade of yours if your main plan was basically the same." Moving my hands a little to be a bit exaggerated  but my hands got to my point.

He grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me down onto his lap, grabbing my chin with ease he smirked at me as his eyes turned once again red.

"Because right now you're a beautiful diamond that can give me what I truly desire. All i have to do is wait and see who is the highest bidder. Heaven or Hell."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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