My Other Half. (a one direction fanfic)

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"Hello. how can I help you?" I say to the man in front of me. he looms very overweight.... and bald.

"You sell beer here?" He asks. I don't think he needs any of that.

"Yeah, lemmie get Devon." I say. I oy work the snack counter being that I'm only 13.

I walk back into the kitchen and find Devon eating a slice of burnt pizza.

"Someone wants beer." I say and she nods putting her pizza down and walks out to the register.

I walk over to my burger that I have on the stove. I go over to the little fridge thing we have, and grab a slice of cheese and put it on my burger. I also grab a container and take my bun out of the heater then place it in the container. I turn around to put on mayo and lettuce. After I finish with that I get out of the way so Devon can get over to get the man's beer. I walk over to the stove and take off my burger. I place it on my bun and walk out of the kitchen. I walk up to the cooler and grab the ketchup and make a smiley face. I grab my pink lemonade and tea peace tea and walk over to the stool on the bowling side of the platform.

"5 shoes all 10s please." I hear a voice say.

"Corrin! can you take care of this?" yells my grandmother. she owns the place with my grandpa but doesn't do the bowling side.

"Yeah." I say walking over to her. And I was just about to eat.

"How many?" I say. then I realize who it is. Its Harry Fucking Styles. I play it cool because there are a lot of people here and its rock n bowl Saturday.

"5." he replies and smiles. I smile back and go to put them in.

"Lane 8?" I say. but when I turn around its Niall now.

He looks very dazzled. Then looks down to see the lanes.

"Lane 14?" he says in a charming accent.

"Okie dokie!" I can't believe I just said that! but he seems to like it because he is laughing a little.

"Shoes?" I ask with a smiles I guess.

"All 10s' " Niall replies. I look down to see 4 pairs.

"We only have 4." I say.

"That's alright. I can wear a 10 1/2." says Zayn. He and Liam are over at the jutbox playing music.

I reach down and grab a pair of them and put them up on the desk. Then click 5 rentles.

"Are you paying now or later?" I say.

"Now." Says Louis pulling out a 50. I put it in and give him his change. Then in walks Eric.

"I see our little Corrin has finally moved on to the bowling side." he says wioeing a fake tear from his eye.

"Lucky you taught me how ta do this or you would have had 20 people waiting for you!" I say with a smile and then go to finish my burger.

I finish my burger and go to wash my hands.

"Corrin!!!" Yells Eric.

"Hold Ur pants!" I reply and come out from the kitchen.

"Why the hell won't this scan?" he asks and standing right there is Niall Horan.

"Thats one of the things that won't scan." I say and click 'Hot sales' and then Guers 5 times.

"Alright I'm out you take care of this!" He say and walks away with his hands up.

"Don't quite now!!" I yell back and Niall laughs.

"Anything else?" I say and get an evil grin on his face.

"Oh there's many more." He says and smiles..... evilly.

"Devon heat up all the friers were getting a large order." I yell back to nobody, Devon left.

" Okay. 2 fries with cheese.-"

"On top or in the side?"

"Top. 3 cheeseburgers. American, mayo, and lettuce. A dozen hot wings. and 3 cheese stakes, 2 american 1 motzzerella." He says and I put that all in.

"$98.45" I say and he hands me a credit card.

I swipe it and print the reseat. He signs it and I hand him back his card.

"Don't expect everything to come out in a few minutes. It will take a while." I say.

"Just bring them out as they get done." He says.

"Kay." I say and walk off. We have a Birthday Party and I need to get their pizza out.

*3 Pizzas and a big order later.*

"Okay this is that last of it." I say and set the tray down on the table for the boys.

"I beleive I'm missing something." Niall says.

"2 cheese fries, cheese on top, 3 cheese burgers mayo and lettuse, a dozen hot wings, and 3 cheese stakes 2 american and 1 motzerella." I reply.

"still missin something." He says.

"What oh Mighty Horan?" I say and the boys laugh. Harry then gets up to bowl.

"Your name and number." Niall says and I get all red.

"Well I didn't know that was on the menu." I say and he laughs. Zayn event over with Lou to the game area, and Liam is laughing at Harry.

"Its a special order." He says.

" Very clever Horan. Comon." I say and walk up behind the counter.

I feed the paper and rip it, grab a pen and write my name and number down. I then hand it to him saying,

"I'm only 13 by the way." He looks up with a smerk.

"Its alright. we won't be doing anything.... yet." He smiles and walks away putting it in his back pocket.

"Eric, I'm done. I'll see ya next Sunday." I yell as my aunt comes in.

"Alright kiddo. see ya then." He says and I grab my phone and walk outside to call my dad.

"I haven't left the church yet. Wait a little bit!" he says and I walk back inside.

"Not here yet?" Eric says.

"Hasn't even left the church." he is setting up a new lighting system there.

"Fun." Eric says laughing.

"Yeah hahaha." I mock him and take a seat.

"I thought you left beautiful." I turn around to see Niall.

"I would have but my dad isn't here yet. so I have to wait." I reply. he looks into my eyes really deeply. its kinda freaking me out.

"Hey, Your the girl who brought us our food right?" Liam says coming up to me.

I can tell Niall is getting jealous.

"Yeah.... why?" I question.

"Can you help Harry bowl?" He says.

I laugh a little but agree to help. Niall is getting very jealous now. He walks up behind me and whipsers.

"Your mine. Don't forget that." in a deep voice and puts his arm around my waist.

Yep, now I'm uncomfortable.


Hey everyone! So my best friend and I made this account. I also have another one called KitKatCorrin with 2 stories up. So left me know what you think of this story!! Like it? Hate it? Let me know!!





Cya later!! ~ Corrin

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