Chapter Two

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When I came to, I was strapped in a chair.

Ugh, cliché much?

I started to laugh at how incredibly stupid this was.

They'd taken off my supernatural beanie, which concealed my ears and my tail had been pulled out of my pants... I tried not to snicker at the jokes I could make about someone being in my pants.

My ears and tail were purple and pink striped, like the Cheshire Cat, which was how I had earned my nickname.

I lashed my tail to the side, until someone stepped on it.

I didn't cry out though it just triggered my laughter to start again.

He crushed my tail like it was an insect and asked, "What are you mad?"

I gave a grin and said, "We're all mad here,". He'd really walked into that one.

He moved off my tail and walked in front of me.

He slammed a folder on the counter, it made my ears ring more than they already were.

I was in a fit of giggles.

"What do you know about the Avengers," he demanded.

I started laughing, "What do you know about the Avengers? So cliché," I asked him mockingly.

He backhanded me before leaving the room.

Someone else entered behind him.

They started slicing, burning, electrocuting, and then proceeded to try to drown me.

I yowled during the pain, but laughed afterwards.

It's fun to anger people who try to cause misery. I learned that years ago.

I eventually played unconscious.

They undid the straps and started to carry me.

Fools, I clawed his face and vanished again.

I stumbled and ran into their security room.

The people who were there ran out, leaving the room empty.

I took the hard drive for their security footage. Juuuust some evidence for Tony. I'm sure he'd be delighted. After all, I was his favorite.

As soon as I found the exit, I pulled a collar from my pocket. I placed it around my neck then shifted into the feline form. 

I sat on the side of the road, waiting for someone to pull over.

It didn't take long for someone to do so, putting me in their car and called the number on my tag, which was Tony's.

They started driving to Tony's tower.
After the finished with the video, they all started freaking out.

It was amusing actually.

Tony looked on the verge of a panic attack and everyone else was freaking out about how HYDRA was supposed to be dead.

After about forty-five minutes of them panicking, I jumped on Clint's back and started to bite the nape of his neck.

Tony's phone started to ring so he answered it.

He looked confused at first then concerned. "Yes, that's my cat. Yes, can you bring her here? Thank you!"

Tony looked relieved and said, "She's on her way,".

Steve said, "Shouldn't we worry about her?" He pointed to the screen.

Tony shook his head and said, "She's on her way, she escaped and got a ride. I'll let her explain everything,".

Meanwhile, Clint was screaming like a little girl yelling, "Get it off! Get this spawn of satan!"

I bounced off his back and landed on Steve's shoulder.

I purred in delight when a red-head and dorky little man helped Clint to the infirmary.

I sat on Steve's shoulder as he stood there, tensed.

Tony sat on his couch and started tapping his foot impatiently.

I growled at him in annoyance.

I jumped on the table that had the remote and started to press buttons. I knew how to work things, eventually the white screen with the red letters 'NETFLIX' popped up and I purred in delight.

I scrolled to Supernatural and started to watch it from the beginning again.

Steve and Thor eventually sat down and started asking questions about the show.

I squinted my eyes at them like they were stupid, which they seemed to be. Idjits for not knowing about Supernatural.

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