Chapter Twelve

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When the game loaded, he started looking around.

I grabbed the controller and turned on the subtitles for the dialogue and turned the brightness up.

I gave it back to him as the characters started to talk, "Hey, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border? Right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there."

I tuned out of the dialogue and started playing Amnesia on my computer.

About an hour later, I rolled my chair back beside Pietro to see how he was doing.

He was level three and goofing around Whiterun.

I shook my head and got out of my chair and dropped my weight onto his back.

He grunted and tilted his head, "What?"

I rolled over to where I was on my stomach, but still on his back, "I want pizza," I informed him, dragging out the last word.

He raised an eyebrow, "And?"

I groaned, "And what do you want?"

He turned back to his game, "Just get me whatever,".

I grabbed my phone, which was beside Pietro, and got onto the Dominoes website.

I ordered two hamburger pizzas, one had bell pepper and onion and the other was plain hamburger.

In the specifications box, I typed, 'Only give the pizza to the girl with pink hair, with a white cat. Accept no bribes or death threats!!' Knowing Tony would try and take my pizza.

I hit order and watched Pietro run to Riverwood.

Then he accidentally punched the chicken.

The guards started trying to kill him and Pietro was freaking out, "I didn't mean to hit the chicken! Please stop! Gerdur help me!"

Poor boy. Not even Gerdur could help him now.

I snickered and said, "Put your weapon away. Then you get arrested,".

He groaned, "But I do not want go to jail..."

The vent burst open and Cas pounced on my back, making Pietro grunt.

"Hiya Cassie."

He meowed in annoyance and told me,"Your peasant brother is trying to hack into your room, and your wifi service,".

I gasped, "Oh no he isn't,".

Jumping up and sliding into my computer chair and rapidly typing codes to counteract Tony.

"He is so gonna pay for trying that later and by later I mean now."

I put Cas on the chair and he was typing codes, he wasn't a complete cat after all. "Pietro, come on, big plans."

He looked up, "What kinda plans?"

My Cheshire grin returned, "Let's find out,".

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