Chapter Three

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The car came to a stop in front of the tower.

I was still covered in blood and water so the family had decided to wrap me in a towel.

The father grabbed me, and jogged into the building.

The secretary told JARVIS to get Tony down here.

After a few moments, Tony ran out the elevator and the man handed me over to him.

Tony paid him five hundred dollars and kept thanking him profusely, before running back to the elevator, going straight to the infirmary.

When we got there he placed me on a bed.

I shifted back, dropping the hard drive that was in my hand onto the floor before I lost consciousness.
After Tony went down the elevator, everyone started heading to the infirmary.

I paused Supernatural. It was difficult because one does not simply pause Supernatural.

I ran between everyone's legs, causing more chaos then there should've been, before I hopped on the bed that held Riles.

She wasn't conscious, so I licked the blood from her ears and tail.

Bruce was still giving her stitches pretty much everywhere.

Tony had grabbed a hard drive from the floor and was plugging it in to a nearby laptop.

When Bruce was done, Tony started watching the footage of Riles being tortured for information about the Avengers.

The guilt afterward was evident on their faces except for the red-head. She showed nothing.

I curled up in a ball on Rile's stomach purring quietly.

Tony left the room not even halfway through the video.

I heard him on the phone with SHIELD demanding they got Riles stuff and investigated this hard drive.

The rest were shocked by her vanishing ability, and her ears, and tail.

When the video finished they started to clear out again. Apparently all they wanted was to watch it.

Except for the whitish haired one, he stayed and stared at Riles and I.

When I'd finally drifted off to sleep, I could still feel his gaze burning into my fur.

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