Chapter Six

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I shook my head a little dazed and looked up.

I saw the really light blonde one from earlier, called Pietro I believe.

A couple floors down I could hear, "Riles Elizabeth Stark!"

I shifted back, "You gotta hide me,".

He raised an eyebrow, "What did you do?" His accented voice asked.

I snickered and showed him the picture of Tony's suit on my phone.

He covered his mouth grabbed my arm and Cas' scruff and took off.

When he stopped, we were in the middle of Central Park.

I turned, "Thanks Pietro, for that I won't prank you," then shifted into a cat and ran with Cas up into a tree.

I could see him shaking his head and I meowed, "I put the picture all over SHIELD if you want a copy,".

He looked up, hopeful, and zoomed off.

I shifted back and checked my phone, there were a couple hundred notifications and text messages from agents and Tony.

I started reading them and even ol' Nicky thought it was funny.

Cas jumped on my shoulder and watched over my shoulder. I could hear his somewhat silent snickering.

I finally got to one of Tony's messages, 'WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY SUIT?!!?'.

I opened the text bar and replied, 'What? It's for cancer awareness. Does big bro not want to help with cancer awareness??'

I shifted back into my feline form and started moving to a tree above a path that was often used by children.

A little girl walked past and just so happened to look up, "Are you the Cheshire Cat? Like from 'Alice in Wonderland?"

I grinned widely, "Am I recognized?"

She nodded slowly and asked, "Or am I just imagining things?"

I looked down at her again,"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality,".

She started slowly walking along the path beneath me and left.

Cas started yowling in laughter when she disappeared from view, me joining him shortly after.

We lounged amongst the trees until it was around four, then we started heading home.

We were both still cats though, so we got some odd looks. Especially with my pink and purple fur.

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